Thursday, January 24, 2013

Live Your Life the Way God Intended for You to Live

I'm going to share another message with you that was put on my heart for a group of believers I help oversee with God's leading, because once again the truth in this message is so vital for those who call themselves "Believers" today. Let God speak to your heart today through these words:

Hi All,
God had you on my heart this morning. Your Heavenly Father so wants you to live your life on this earth at the abundant level that Jesus bought and paid the price for. So many of God's children live their lives so far below what God has given to them. He wants you to live your life in your rightful place. Jesus' blood paid the price for you to have abundant life, but Jesus won't get what He paid for if you don't know what He did for you and walk in it by believing Him. The Truth God wants to share with you today is practically unknown by the Church (the body of Christ) today, but God wants to reveal it to you:
To the man or woman who has received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, you are born again. You've been born to live your life now, today, not when you get to Heaven, but now, today, in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said you are in the world, but not of the World, so quit living like dead men live their lives in the world around you. Come out from among them and be separate is God's instruction to you (2 Cor 6:17).
So how do you do this? You believe what God has said about you and He says, " I have made you alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and I have raised you up to sit together with Me in Heavenly places in My Son Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:5-6). God wants you to know that He has already raised you up from the dead (Please read Rom 6:3-11 for more understanding of this). Your spirit man, the real you on the inside, has been born again and raised from the dead. Your body of flesh has not been born again and it will die if Jesus doesn't come back first, but your body will be raised up from the dead when Jesus returns from Heaven for His Church and it will be reunited with your spirit man. WOW, just how big and amazing is our God.
Now I shared all this with you because God told me to tell you, "you've already been raised from the dead and you are already sitting together at Jesus' right hand, far above all principality, power, might, and dominion and every name that is named (Eph 1:20-21). You've been given the right (because of the Blood) and the authority (because you have been given HIs name --Eph 3:14-15) to live your life from this Heavenly position and God your Father expects you to live from here.
Unless you know and then believe that you (your spirit man) is born again and already raised from the dead, you will continue to walk this earth as a dead man agreeing with your flesh body instead of your spirit. You'll be a dead man walking even though you've been made alive in Christ. The vast majority of the Church is waiting for this resurrected life style when they get to Heaven (because they can't separate their flesh body from their spirit), but God wants you to live it now, from your spirit, today, and live as that new man raised from the dead.
Now this is the Truth of the Gospel. This is the Truth that will change the quality of your life NOW. It sounds nothing like the man made doctrines that most people hear and that's why you can't see any difference between the man in the Church and the man in the world. Unfortunately the World has influenced the Church instead of the Church influencing the World.
So are you going to walk as a man/woman raised up to new life or are you going to be a dead man walking? God says, choose His way and live life the way a child of God is supposed live...............
Be Blessed!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

When Adversity Comes, What Will You Do?

I wrote the following message to a group of people that are connected to a Healing Ministry named God Pleaser's that I have been leading with two other faithful men for the last four and a half years. The truth of what God shared with me in this message for them is now in my heart to share with those of you who read this blog site. So if you need healing in your body or you are experiencing any mental torment in your mind and/or emotions then receive your healing today by applying what you hear in this message:
Here is what Rom 15:13 says: "Now may (the Holy Spirit is asking for permission from you. You gonna give it to Him?) the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound (that is always God's will for you) in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". Now is hope, joy, and peace a part of your life? If not, that doesn't make this word any less true, it means you need to find the way into it.
Now here is what God put on my heart for you today:
The first thing that needs to be accomplished when adversity comes is not releasing faith, but first building your hope up on God's Word and His promises to you. When your hope is built up, then release your faith into that hope for faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1). If you need healing, then look at the Healing promises of God until your hope is built up, then release your faith into that hope. Now your faith becomes the healing you are hoping for until it is. Your faith becomes the substance of healing until you see it manifest. That's why if you are really standing in faith, you can call yourself healed for your faith is your healing (the substance of it) until it is manifested. It doesn't matter what you look like to anyone else, it only matters to you and God. This is how faith works. Your believing takes the place of what you are believing for until it is. In God's eyes, what you are believing Him for is as real as the manifestation of it. The world says, "seeing is believing" but the Kingdom of God is just the opposite, "Believing is seeing". If you can't believe it first before you see it it, then you choose not to live in God's Kingdom because that is the way of the Kingdom.
Now lets press in a little further. If you try to release your faith where there is no hope, then your faith has nothing to work with (Here is the reason for faith failures). Hope and Faith are like epoxy glue. By themselves there is no strength or power, no sticking power, but when you mix your faith with hope together, you get a strong bond that will work to bring about what you are believing for. The devil targets your hope, because he knows your faith won't work without hope. If you feel hopeless then you are faithless as well............
These are the Truth's that are hidden from most Christians because they never hear about it. But somehow, God wants you to hear it today. He wants you to hear the Truth, so that that Truth will set you free. That's why God provides Healing Oasis's for those that would like to come and sit by the rivers of living water and receive whatever they need from Him. God has these places everywhere. The one I'm most familiar with is where I hang out on Thursday nights with two other good men who have joined me on this journey and we are joined there by other good folks who come for the living water. The door is always open and you are welcome anytime. (For those of you that are reading this that live in the area, we meet every Thursday night at 6061 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43231 at
7:00PM where Jesus has commissioned us and directed us to go and heal the sick and we are seeing God doing great things in our midst).
I'm ending with a quote from Bob Hazlett that will change the way you interact with God in your relationship with Him if you understand this truth: "The miraculous happens when WE become aware of what God has ALREADY DONE (ex; 1 Peter 2:24 the Holy Spirit says to you, "By His (Jesus') stripes YOU WERE HEALED") and then access it through faith. In most cases, we are NOT waiting on God to act, we are waiting for our reality (YOU WERE HEALED) to align with the TRUTH. Keep Believing!!"
Now you have heard some good word today. Go put it to use and be blessed!!