The Word (of God) itself might be unbelievable until you know the One who has declared it. Why do people stagger and draw back from the promises of God? Because they don't know the One who spoke it. They don't know His integrity. Oh, they may know of Him by what they have heard, but they don't know Him.
My faith can not rest on God's promisies first, but my faith must rest first upon God's character. You'll only know someone's character by being with them and watching how they respond to different situations. You watch how they react and as time goes on you begin to know them because they reveal their character to you. (who they really are). Faith must rest in confidence upon the one who made the promise. You must get to know Him, before you will trust Him.
If you are struggling with believing the Word, then put that thing you are trying to believe on the shelf for awhile and put your focus on God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on God until you truly know Him, then you can move to His promises.
So, what do I need to know? Everything there is that makes God, God. Well, how long will that take? Forever. That is why He has given us eternity. It will take forever to know Him. Well, where do I start? There is one place you can start in knowing God, that will help you understand all the rest. It will take all the confusion out of it.
Start with this truth, that God is good. Now that may sound to simple to you but I want you to understand that the vast majority of people (including those in the church) question God's goodness. If you don't understand that God is good, then you'll falsely accuse Him of something bad that has happened to you. You'll never really get to know God unless you know first off that God is good. Jesus said in John 10:10, "the thief (the devil) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and destroy ( if anything has happened to you that falls into anyone of these areas, you must know that God is not the author of it). I (Jesus) have come that you might have life (not the curse) and have it more abundantly. God is good, you must settle that truth in your heart today.
No one is good except God (Mark 10:18). Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Ps34:8). The Lord is good (Ps 100:5, 135:3, Nahum 1:7) I will make My goodness pass before you (Ex33:19), how great is Your goodness (Ps31:19). The God that loves you and cares about you is a good God. Do you really know Him?
Your faith, your ability to believe, comes from knowing that God is good. Ps 27:13 says,
"I would have lost heart, unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living". How can you put your trust in someone unless you know that they are out for your good.
Do you know this good God? God gets a bad rap many times. They blame Him for everything bad that happens. How in the world could you trust a God like that? You can't!! That's the point.
You must know God, before you'll be willing to believe what He says. The first thing God is saying to you today is , "I'M GOOD, and surely My goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life."
If you believe God is good, you've taken a big step in knowing Him. And the more you know Him, the more you will be able to believe Him and that's when you start pleasing Him, for it is impossible to please God without faith (Heb 11:6).
Get to know Him! Now you know where to start. And by the way, you'll like the rest of the journey as well.................Be Blessed!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Are You Deceived?
But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. (James 1:22) What is this great deception? You think that because you hear the word and agree with it, that this makes you a believer, but you are not. You are a knower, but not a believer. How do you know that you are a believer? When you willingly do what you know, that's when you believe it. And the more you do of what you know, the more you'll believe it.
Another sure way of knowing if you are a believer is by listening to the words that are coming out of your mouth, especially when you have not had time to think about what you are going to say, like when you react to something unplanned. Those words that come forth will tell on you, for out of the abundance of the (your)heart, the (your) mouth will speak. (Matt 12:34). You will say what you believe (especially when you haven't had time to process your thoughts). If what you are saying is not what you are hearing from the Word of God, then you don't believe it, but you'll be deceived into thinking that you do believe it because you agree with it. Believing is more active than that. Believing is doing and it's that doing that God responds to.
(Look at Genesis 22:1-19, James 2:14-26 especially verses 21-23, & Heb 11:17-19. These scriptures paint the real picture of believing. If you are not believing like this (by doing), then you are not believing, but only deceived into thinking that you are).
Another sure way of knowing if you are a believer is by listening to the words that are coming out of your mouth, especially when you have not had time to think about what you are going to say, like when you react to something unplanned. Those words that come forth will tell on you, for out of the abundance of the (your)heart, the (your) mouth will speak. (Matt 12:34). You will say what you believe (especially when you haven't had time to process your thoughts). If what you are saying is not what you are hearing from the Word of God, then you don't believe it, but you'll be deceived into thinking that you do believe it because you agree with it. Believing is more active than that. Believing is doing and it's that doing that God responds to.
(Look at Genesis 22:1-19, James 2:14-26 especially verses 21-23, & Heb 11:17-19. These scriptures paint the real picture of believing. If you are not believing like this (by doing), then you are not believing, but only deceived into thinking that you are).
Saturday, May 17, 2008
To Know Him Is To Be Known By Him
You must know Him (Jesus) before you'll know what the Word says. Oh, you can read it, but you won't know it. Understanding the word comes from knowing Him. He reveals Himself through the word, but you must know Him first, by receiving Him as your Lord and Savior, then walking with Him each and every day by looking into the word and seeing Him there. When the born again man looks into the word and sees something that the word is telling him to do, then goes and does it, this is when Jesus reveals Himself to you and when Jesus reveals Himself to you, that is when you begin know Him.
You may have thought that you knew your wife/husband before you married her/him, but you really didn't know her/him until you lived with her/him. You live with each other by communicating to one another. You use words to communicate. I've grown to know my wife over 39 years through her words and actions, and I've grown to know Jesus over the last 28 years plus exactly the same way. Each day I listen to His words and watch what He does, and each day I know Him better. There is One who sticks closer than a brother (Prov 18:24) and thank God, Jesus is His name.
If you really want to know Him, there is really only one way to do it. You must look into the Word of God (the BIBLE) and join Him there by doing what it says. As soon as you do it, Jesus shows up and reveals Himself to you, and the more of the word that you do, the more you will know Him. There is no better place for a man to be, knowing Jesus but better still, being known by Him.
Jesus said in Matt 7:21-23, " Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, BUT he who does the will of My Father in heaven( what is the Father's will? To know His Son!). Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your Name? And then I will declare to them, I NEVER KNEW YOU, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (or you who does anything apart from the Word and the God over that Word). To do the Word without knowing Jesus personally, is nothing more than religion. Religion doesn't save, Jesus does!!!
Knowing Jesus personally is the relationship God desires for you and all men/women He created. He wants to walk with you and talk with you. Why you ask? Because He wants to reveal Himself to you, by pouring His love upon you so that you can really know Him. When you really know Him, this is when all things are possible, because you can't really believe God until you know Him, and that is what God really wants out of this relationship, a man/woman that will believe Him, because when man believes Him, then God can do what's in His heart to do and that's to love His man.
2 Peter 1:3 says, (I'm saying this like God is speaking directly to you) " My divine power has (past tense) given unto you ALL things that pertain to life and godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF ME."
Make it your goal to know Him more each and every day. That's His desire for you, make it your desire as well. If you don't know Him then let me intorduce Him to you. His name is Jesus and He is glad to meet you. Now get to know Him and you'll never be the same again. (I have truly preached myself happy in this one!)
"He who has My commandments (words) and keeps (does) them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. (make Myself real to him so that you will know Me) John 14:21
You may have thought that you knew your wife/husband before you married her/him, but you really didn't know her/him until you lived with her/him. You live with each other by communicating to one another. You use words to communicate. I've grown to know my wife over 39 years through her words and actions, and I've grown to know Jesus over the last 28 years plus exactly the same way. Each day I listen to His words and watch what He does, and each day I know Him better. There is One who sticks closer than a brother (Prov 18:24) and thank God, Jesus is His name.
If you really want to know Him, there is really only one way to do it. You must look into the Word of God (the BIBLE) and join Him there by doing what it says. As soon as you do it, Jesus shows up and reveals Himself to you, and the more of the word that you do, the more you will know Him. There is no better place for a man to be, knowing Jesus but better still, being known by Him.
Jesus said in Matt 7:21-23, " Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, BUT he who does the will of My Father in heaven( what is the Father's will? To know His Son!). Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your Name? And then I will declare to them, I NEVER KNEW YOU, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (or you who does anything apart from the Word and the God over that Word). To do the Word without knowing Jesus personally, is nothing more than religion. Religion doesn't save, Jesus does!!!
Knowing Jesus personally is the relationship God desires for you and all men/women He created. He wants to walk with you and talk with you. Why you ask? Because He wants to reveal Himself to you, by pouring His love upon you so that you can really know Him. When you really know Him, this is when all things are possible, because you can't really believe God until you know Him, and that is what God really wants out of this relationship, a man/woman that will believe Him, because when man believes Him, then God can do what's in His heart to do and that's to love His man.
2 Peter 1:3 says, (I'm saying this like God is speaking directly to you) " My divine power has (past tense) given unto you ALL things that pertain to life and godliness, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF ME."
Make it your goal to know Him more each and every day. That's His desire for you, make it your desire as well. If you don't know Him then let me intorduce Him to you. His name is Jesus and He is glad to meet you. Now get to know Him and you'll never be the same again. (I have truly preached myself happy in this one!)
"He who has My commandments (words) and keeps (does) them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. (make Myself real to him so that you will know Me) John 14:21
Sunday, May 11, 2008
God's Will Be Done #2
If you have not read my previous post on May 4, then I would recommend that you look at it first than come back and read this one.
1. Was it God's will for His people that He delivered out of Egypt to go into the Promise Land, or saying it another way, to enter the land of promise; or best said, to enter the promise of God. Was it God's will for His people to enter/receive His promise?
A. YES!! A thousand times YES.
B. Did His people go in to the Promise Land?
1) NO!!
C. Why Not?
1) Disobedience and unbelief.
God made His will perfectly clear to the people, but they chose their will over His.
D. Whose will was done? God's or the peoples?
1) The peoples
E. Who was responsible to put the will of God in action? God or the people?
1) The people
2) For God's will to be done in your life, you and me the believer, must activate it by
believing it. It's not a case of God not doing it, it's a case of us believing it.
2. Who finally got to go into the Promise Land?
A. Joshua and Caleb
B. Why these two?
1. Because they believed God and everyone else did not. Joshua and Caleb received what
they believed.
C. Was it God's will for all those millions of others to perish?
1. No, but they chose not to believe therefore they could not enter the Promise of God.
D. Did God love Joshua and Caleb more than all the others? Were they special? Did they have
an exclusive call on their life?
1. NO! They simply believed God. That's why God's will was done in their lives.
3. Why did the masses choose not to enter the Promise of God?
B. Why did Joshua and Caleb enter into the Promise of God?
4. Faith opened the door to the promise of the land or to God's promise.
Fear closed the door to the Promise of God.
5. Just because it's God's will for you to have something (salvation, healing, deliverance, restored
to normal, made whole), does not mean that you'll automatically have it. You must do your
part, just like God has done His part. Your part is to believe what God has done for you so that
God's will can be done in your life. God looks for the open door of your heart so that His will
be done on earth (in you) as it is in heaven. (Read the first part of 2 Chronicles 16:9).
6. It's a cop out to just say "God's will be done" and you don't even take the time to find out His
will, or when you know His will, refuse to believe Him. Then when you don't receive the
promise of help from Him, you turn your back on Him and grumble your displeasure.
7. Church, it is time for us to wake up and be the believers God intends for us to be. Let's you
and me decide to do it God's way, then we'll be blessed in all we do!!
Hear what God is saying:
The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings. . . ."Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise(Jeremiah 17:9-10, 14).
How often they (God's people the Israelites--we are God's people as well) provoked Him (God) in the wilderness (that place of need), and grieved Him in the desert. (how do you provoke and grieve God? By not believing Him). Yes, again and again they tempted God. (how do you tempt God? By looking somewhere else other than God for your answer.) AND LIMITED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. (do you mean that we believers can limit God? you bet! How? by not believing Him!) They did not remember His power; the day He redeemed them from the enemy.
(Ps 78:40-42)
1. Was it God's will for His people that He delivered out of Egypt to go into the Promise Land, or saying it another way, to enter the land of promise; or best said, to enter the promise of God. Was it God's will for His people to enter/receive His promise?
A. YES!! A thousand times YES.
B. Did His people go in to the Promise Land?
1) NO!!
C. Why Not?
1) Disobedience and unbelief.
God made His will perfectly clear to the people, but they chose their will over His.
D. Whose will was done? God's or the peoples?
1) The peoples
E. Who was responsible to put the will of God in action? God or the people?
1) The people
2) For God's will to be done in your life, you and me the believer, must activate it by
believing it. It's not a case of God not doing it, it's a case of us believing it.
2. Who finally got to go into the Promise Land?
A. Joshua and Caleb
B. Why these two?
1. Because they believed God and everyone else did not. Joshua and Caleb received what
they believed.
C. Was it God's will for all those millions of others to perish?
1. No, but they chose not to believe therefore they could not enter the Promise of God.
D. Did God love Joshua and Caleb more than all the others? Were they special? Did they have
an exclusive call on their life?
1. NO! They simply believed God. That's why God's will was done in their lives.
3. Why did the masses choose not to enter the Promise of God?
B. Why did Joshua and Caleb enter into the Promise of God?
4. Faith opened the door to the promise of the land or to God's promise.
Fear closed the door to the Promise of God.
5. Just because it's God's will for you to have something (salvation, healing, deliverance, restored
to normal, made whole), does not mean that you'll automatically have it. You must do your
part, just like God has done His part. Your part is to believe what God has done for you so that
God's will can be done in your life. God looks for the open door of your heart so that His will
be done on earth (in you) as it is in heaven. (Read the first part of 2 Chronicles 16:9).
6. It's a cop out to just say "God's will be done" and you don't even take the time to find out His
will, or when you know His will, refuse to believe Him. Then when you don't receive the
promise of help from Him, you turn your back on Him and grumble your displeasure.
7. Church, it is time for us to wake up and be the believers God intends for us to be. Let's you
and me decide to do it God's way, then we'll be blessed in all we do!!
Hear what God is saying:
The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings. . . ."Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise(Jeremiah 17:9-10, 14).
How often they (God's people the Israelites--we are God's people as well) provoked Him (God) in the wilderness (that place of need), and grieved Him in the desert. (how do you provoke and grieve God? By not believing Him). Yes, again and again they tempted God. (how do you tempt God? By looking somewhere else other than God for your answer.) AND LIMITED THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. (do you mean that we believers can limit God? you bet! How? by not believing Him!) They did not remember His power; the day He redeemed them from the enemy.
(Ps 78:40-42)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
God's Will Be Done
If your will matches or is the same as God's will, then ask whatever you will and it will be done by God because it's His will also. Your will becomes God's will when you will what God wills. (Now you need to go back and read that again slowly and chew on it until you understand what the Spirit of God is saying. I spent several hours on this thought alone before the Spirit of the Lord would let me press on with what He had to say. So don't be in a hurry, capture the truth of that opening statement, because what God reveals in the rest of this message might rock your boat a bit and if it does just look out on the sea, you'll see Jesus walking by and He will steady your boat, then go back to these first two sentences to help you hear what God is saying.)
What then is God's will in every situation? His Word is His Will. Whatever His Word declares, that is His Will. How can man clearly see the Will of God. By looking at the Word of God. What does the Word look like? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:1&14). God's Word has a name. What is it? Jesus! Jesus is the Word of God made flesh or it's God's Word with God's flesh on it. Jesus said, " if you've seen Me, you've seen the Father" (John 14:8-9). So actually you're seeing Jesus by hearing what the Father has to say by His Words. You may be looking at the Word and seeing it, but actually you are hearing the Father's voice. Therefore we now understand that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
(Rom 10:17). So it's not "seeing is believing" but rather, "hearing is believing". Now, if you are looking at Jesus, you're looking at God the Father. Whatever you see Jesus do, or whatever you hear Jesus say, this is the perfect will of God. Jesus said, " Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He (the Father) does, the Son (Jesus) also does in like manner." (John 5:19)
Whatever you see Jesus do, you are seeing the will of the Father. Malachi 3:6 declares, " For I AM the Lord, I do not change", therefore be assured that God's Will for man never changes. Jesus said, " for I have come down from heaven, not to do My own Will, but the Will of Him (the Father) who sent Me. (John 6:38) Jesus told us to pray the following: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:9-10) Jesus came to this earth to demonstrate the Will of the Father before us, then He laid down His life on our behalf so that we would be able to enter in and live out the perfect Will of God in our lives. Jesus made the way for you and me to be able to live our lives now, on this earth (as it is in heaven), in the perfect will of God. Jesus said, " I do not seek My own Will, but the Will of the Father who sent Me." ( John 5:30)
So what is God's will for you and me? Let me say it again, His Word is His Will for you. You must believe this for yourself, or you will believe something else that a man has written about God's Will and you'll accept that as Truth. So what then is God's Will for man in every situation and at all times? The Lord is not slack concerning His promise (His Will), not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2Pet 3:9). For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior (His Will), Who desires (Who Wills) all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1Tim 2:3-4) ( now that word "saved" is the greek word sozo and it means; to save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, make whole, restore to normal) Would you agree with me that the above scriptures are the perfect Will of God for man? Now my question is, "are all men saved when they die?" NO! Why not? God's will be done, or man's will be done? Man is given the right by God to choose for himself what he will believe and what he will do. If man's will is the same as God's will, then man will receive God's Will if the man chooses to believe God and do what God says for his life.
We said the word saved also means healed (physical healing of the body). What is God's will for man concerning healing in every situation? " And Jesus went about all the cities and villages , teaching, preaching the Kingdom of God, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. (Matt 9:35) Jesus healed ALL who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah saying; He (Jesus) Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (Matt 8:16-17) and by His (Jesus) stripes you were (past tense) healed (1 Pet 2:24). Great multitudes followed Him (Jesus), and He (Jesus) healed them ALL. (Matt 12:15) If Jesus is the will of the Father (and He is), then what is the Father's will for man concerning healing? God's Will for man is that they ALL be healed (but the same ALL would have to believe what God's Word says about healing). Are ALL men healed today? NO! Why not? Same reason why ALL men are not saved. Jesus said, " and ALL things whatever you ask in prayer, believing, YOU WILL RECEIVE. " (Matt 21:22) "IF you live in ME (Jesus) and My Words live in you, you will ask what you desire(what you will) and it shall be done for you. " (John 15:15)
God can, and He is willing, now man must choose if he will believe his God and do what his God says. Men/Women do not like hearing this, because they want to put all the responsibility on God, but God says, "I've done my part (Gen 2:2), now you must do yours." What is the part we must do? We must believe Him (Jesus- everything He says and does) whom He (the Father) sent. We must believe, that is what God requires and that is the part that is always missing. God always does His part (for He always does His Will), however man does not. The next time you see failure, or an unanswered prayer, don't blame God and accuse Him by saying, "it's not God's will", and then come up with some man made doctrine to excuse away the failure. God has made His Will perfectly clear, can you (and I) believe it? What we choose to believe will determine the outcome and our outcome will look just like the Will of God if we will believe Him.
If this sounds hard or harsh to you, I'm sorry, but it is the truth. Do you realize that Jesus would have never been risen from the dead unless He (Jesus) believed He would. He had to believe the Father just like you and I must. It was the Father's will to raise Jesus from the dead, but Jesus had to believe His Father's Will and His Word to bring it to pass. Eph 1:20 says that God extended the power to Jesus to raise Him from the dead because Jesus believed the Father would do it, and because Jesus believed, the Father did it!! The Father was able to do His will in Jesus' life because Jesus believed Him.
The Father is waiting on you and me to believe Him, just like Jesus did. If we will, God will perform His perfect Will in our lives. God longs for that child of His that will believe Him this way. But let a man ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, he is a double-minded man, unstable in ALL his ways. (James 1:6-8)
It is hard for man/woman to accept his own responsibility in God's plan for man. God has revealed His Will to man. Now, IF our will becomes His will, " Then His Will be done". That is the only time you can ever say that and be right in God's eye. If you're going to say "God's will be done," at least know what God's will is. Now go and do what God has told us to do. "BELIEVE HIM"!!!!
What then is God's will in every situation? His Word is His Will. Whatever His Word declares, that is His Will. How can man clearly see the Will of God. By looking at the Word of God. What does the Word look like? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:1&14). God's Word has a name. What is it? Jesus! Jesus is the Word of God made flesh or it's God's Word with God's flesh on it. Jesus said, " if you've seen Me, you've seen the Father" (John 14:8-9). So actually you're seeing Jesus by hearing what the Father has to say by His Words. You may be looking at the Word and seeing it, but actually you are hearing the Father's voice. Therefore we now understand that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God".
(Rom 10:17). So it's not "seeing is believing" but rather, "hearing is believing". Now, if you are looking at Jesus, you're looking at God the Father. Whatever you see Jesus do, or whatever you hear Jesus say, this is the perfect will of God. Jesus said, " Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He (the Father) does, the Son (Jesus) also does in like manner." (John 5:19)
Whatever you see Jesus do, you are seeing the will of the Father. Malachi 3:6 declares, " For I AM the Lord, I do not change", therefore be assured that God's Will for man never changes. Jesus said, " for I have come down from heaven, not to do My own Will, but the Will of Him (the Father) who sent Me. (John 6:38) Jesus told us to pray the following: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:9-10) Jesus came to this earth to demonstrate the Will of the Father before us, then He laid down His life on our behalf so that we would be able to enter in and live out the perfect Will of God in our lives. Jesus made the way for you and me to be able to live our lives now, on this earth (as it is in heaven), in the perfect will of God. Jesus said, " I do not seek My own Will, but the Will of the Father who sent Me." ( John 5:30)
So what is God's will for you and me? Let me say it again, His Word is His Will for you. You must believe this for yourself, or you will believe something else that a man has written about God's Will and you'll accept that as Truth. So what then is God's Will for man in every situation and at all times? The Lord is not slack concerning His promise (His Will), not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2Pet 3:9). For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior (His Will), Who desires (Who Wills) all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1Tim 2:3-4) ( now that word "saved" is the greek word sozo and it means; to save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, make whole, restore to normal) Would you agree with me that the above scriptures are the perfect Will of God for man? Now my question is, "are all men saved when they die?" NO! Why not? God's will be done, or man's will be done? Man is given the right by God to choose for himself what he will believe and what he will do. If man's will is the same as God's will, then man will receive God's Will if the man chooses to believe God and do what God says for his life.
We said the word saved also means healed (physical healing of the body). What is God's will for man concerning healing in every situation? " And Jesus went about all the cities and villages , teaching, preaching the Kingdom of God, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. (Matt 9:35) Jesus healed ALL who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah saying; He (Jesus) Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (Matt 8:16-17) and by His (Jesus) stripes you were (past tense) healed (1 Pet 2:24). Great multitudes followed Him (Jesus), and He (Jesus) healed them ALL. (Matt 12:15) If Jesus is the will of the Father (and He is), then what is the Father's will for man concerning healing? God's Will for man is that they ALL be healed (but the same ALL would have to believe what God's Word says about healing). Are ALL men healed today? NO! Why not? Same reason why ALL men are not saved. Jesus said, " and ALL things whatever you ask in prayer, believing, YOU WILL RECEIVE. " (Matt 21:22) "IF you live in ME (Jesus) and My Words live in you, you will ask what you desire(what you will) and it shall be done for you. " (John 15:15)
God can, and He is willing, now man must choose if he will believe his God and do what his God says. Men/Women do not like hearing this, because they want to put all the responsibility on God, but God says, "I've done my part (Gen 2:2), now you must do yours." What is the part we must do? We must believe Him (Jesus- everything He says and does) whom He (the Father) sent. We must believe, that is what God requires and that is the part that is always missing. God always does His part (for He always does His Will), however man does not. The next time you see failure, or an unanswered prayer, don't blame God and accuse Him by saying, "it's not God's will", and then come up with some man made doctrine to excuse away the failure. God has made His Will perfectly clear, can you (and I) believe it? What we choose to believe will determine the outcome and our outcome will look just like the Will of God if we will believe Him.
If this sounds hard or harsh to you, I'm sorry, but it is the truth. Do you realize that Jesus would have never been risen from the dead unless He (Jesus) believed He would. He had to believe the Father just like you and I must. It was the Father's will to raise Jesus from the dead, but Jesus had to believe His Father's Will and His Word to bring it to pass. Eph 1:20 says that God extended the power to Jesus to raise Him from the dead because Jesus believed the Father would do it, and because Jesus believed, the Father did it!! The Father was able to do His will in Jesus' life because Jesus believed Him.
The Father is waiting on you and me to believe Him, just like Jesus did. If we will, God will perform His perfect Will in our lives. God longs for that child of His that will believe Him this way. But let a man ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, he is a double-minded man, unstable in ALL his ways. (James 1:6-8)
It is hard for man/woman to accept his own responsibility in God's plan for man. God has revealed His Will to man. Now, IF our will becomes His will, " Then His Will be done". That is the only time you can ever say that and be right in God's eye. If you're going to say "God's will be done," at least know what God's will is. Now go and do what God has told us to do. "BELIEVE HIM"!!!!
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