There is something speaking to you all the time. Every thought you have comes from hearing something. God has a voice, the devil has a voice, your body has a voice, your bank book has a voice, everything in and around you has a voice. It's all trying to tell you something.
Jesus has told the believer, "take heed what you will hear." (Mark 4:24) We hear every voice that is speaking to us, but we have a choice of what we will listen to. It's what you heed (pay attention to, give ear to) that will impact your life. It's what you permit yourself to listen to that will direct your life. If the devil is the father of all liars (and he is, Jn 8:44) and Jesus is the God/Man who has told you the truth which He heard from His Father (Jn 8:40); who then are you going to listen to? You'll hear both voices, but which one will you choose to listen to? Whatever you listen to, that is what you will follow and if you follow it long enough, you will believe what you are following. You'll either end up believing the lie of the devil or the Truth of the Son of Man, Jesus.
Now we come to the place of learning and understanding what part of you is doing the listening. It's your spirit that hears God and His Truth for He is Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. (Jn 4:23) But it is your body of flesh that hears the devil and his lies. Man was created by God as a three part being; spirit, soul, and body. Your soul (which is your mind, will and emotions) is neutral in hearing. Your mind will agree with either your spirit or your body. Which ever is the stronger of the two, the mind will agree with it. You must have this understanding to be able to make the choice on what you are going to listen to and heed. Here is why it is so important for you to develop your spirit man by feeding on the word of God daily so that your spirit man becomes stronger than body (flesh). Why? you say!
Here is a good example. One morning you wake up and your body says to you, "I'm sick". Now if your mind has not been renewed by the word of God, it will agree with your body and give your body all the reasons and facts why the body is sick. Then your body will say, "I feel sick, I look sick, I sound sick, I smell sick, therefore I must be sick. Then if you continue listening to this voice , you will eventually heed it and accept the fact that you are sick.
Now I want it perfectly understood that this sickness is real. It's a fact that your body is sick. We don't deny this fact, but rather look at the Truth. What does the Truth say? What is the Truth? John 17:17 says, "Your (God's ) word is Truth." Therefore whatever God says is "Truth". It's your spirit that will hear God's voice and if you have been feeding on the word of God daily, your mind will have been renewed to think like God thinks and it will agree with what your spirit is hearing from God. So, what is your spirit hearing from God? "I am the Lord God who heals you" (Ex 15:26), "I will take sickness away from the midst of you" (Ex 23:25-26), "it will be well with you" (Deut 11: 9 & 23), "I have healed you" (Ps 30:1-2), "I will strengthen you on your bed of sickness" (Ps 41:3), " I am the health of your countenance and your God" (Ps 43:5), "I heal all of your diseases" (Ps 103:3), " I sent My word and healed you" (Ps 107:20), " I (Jesus) took your infirmities and bore your sicknesses" (Matt 8:17), " by My (Jesus') stripes you were (past tense) healed" ( 1 Pet 2:24), okay, you get the point. There are hundreds of verses in the bible that speak to your overall wellness and healing.
If you are not feeding your spirit the word of God daily, then your spirit will be weak and will not be able to hear God's truth, because your body of flesh will be more alive than your spirit and your body will clearly hear the voice of your enemy, the devil, and he will say that you are sick and you will agree with him instead of agreeing with God. This is the reason God has told His children, "the just shall live by faith." God has told us that we must live our lives differently than those in the world. To live by faith, you must be able to hear the voice of God in the midst of your circumstances and this will only happen if your spirit is stronger than your body (flesh). Your mind will go either way depending on which is stronger. The good news here is that you are the one who has the choice in which will be stronger, spirit or body. You are the one who chooses what you will feed the most. You'll either consume what God is saying or you'll consume what the world is saying and the truth is, "you are what you eat".
I encourage you this day to begin strengthening your spirit man so that you can hear God when He speaks to you in the middle of that mess you find yourself in, so that you can heed His voice and follow the truth as your way of escape which will get you to the very place that God promised you He would, but the most important thing here is, you must be able to hear Him. Tune in God, tune out the devil. Live out the life God desires for you. What does that look like? It's all in His word. I highly recommend we get into that word and see what it says!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Is God Your Friend?
God is not only my God, He is my friend. Ps 54:4 out of the Living Bible says, "But God is my helper. He is a friend of mine". Can you say that about God? God said this about faithful Abraham, our father in the faith. James 2:23 says, "And Abraham was called the friend of God" and in 2 Chronicles 20:7 it says Abraham is God's friend forever. So how does God accomplish that, "forever"? Gal 3:29 tells us how. "And if you are Christ's (you're His IF you have been born again), then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. The seed of Abraham (you and me) can be as much of a friend with God as Abraham was and still is. Isa 41:8 confirms it," the decendants of Abraham My friend". Yes, that means God is your friend, now the question is, "are you His friend?".
This is the relationship God desires with His man/woman. But this also is the relationship that man desires with his God. For the most part, man has never known God's desire to be a friend to him. Friends enjoy one another's company. They enjoy getting to know one another on a more intimate level. They go beyond the surface level communication and are willing to reveal their hearts to one another. A good example of this is found in Matt 7: 21-23. There are many people who claim to know God and they even do many things in His name, but in the end when they are standing before Jesus, He declares " I never knew you, depart from Me". This friendship thing takes on a more serious tone when you hear that. You see, you really dont know someone until you hang out with them. The longer you spend time together, the more you know about each other and the better friends you become. This is why God created man. To be His friend. There is no closer relationship with God then to be called His friend.
Being a friend of God is not a lack of respect for God, it's the highest honor that man can give to God; calling God his friend, and it's the highest place a man can be; being called God's friend. The term friend almost sounds to casual when you speak it concerning your relationship with God. But "friend" perfectly defines and reveals the very relationship that is most desired by God. (here would be a good place to grab your bible and hear what Jesus has to say about being friends with you in John 15: 12-15). Jesus said He wants to be your friend.
The problem is, there are very few men/women who will draw this close to God. Fear is what keeps them from this relationship with God. Afraid that they are not good enough to walk with God this way. The reason man thinks this way is because they lose sight of the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin and enables us to have fellowship one with another (1 Jn 1:7).
Our adversary, the devil, gets us to get our eyes off Jesus and His blood, and he gets us to look at ourselves without the blood covering, and we don't look so good that way in our sight. And it's that image of ourselves that destroys the opportunity to draw near to God as His friend. We say, "why would God want to be a friend with the likes of someone like me?", then we answer our own question by saying, "He wouldn't". So we buy into the lie of the devil which seperates us from being friends with God. We must see ourselves as God sees us; knowing that we were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold from our aimless conduct received by tradition from our fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot. (1 Pet 1:18-19)
We must understand that God looks at us through the blood of Jesus (now you must be born again for Him to look at you that way) and He sees us as righteous, with out blemish, and without spot, which enables us to come boldly to the throne of Grace where God resides, and sit with Him there, and enjoy Him as our friend. This is where God has wanted man since the beginning of time. The first Adam had this relationship with God, but lost it through sin. The second Adam (Jesus) came and got this relationship back for man once again. Jesus paid the price for our sin, and made the way back to God once again to allow man to be friends with God. God has already laid His life down for us. Our we willing to lay our lives down for Him? That's what friends do.
God is asking you and me today, "do you really want to be My friend?", or do we choose to be in that outer fringe of the Kingdom of God, the kid who sits in the very last seat of the row in his school room, or the man that comes to church and sits in the very last row hoping not to be noticed. This is not where friends of God sit. They sit where Mary sat (Luke 10:39) at the feet of Jesus (now that's up close where you and I belong) desiring to hear the word of God and then talk back and forth with God. God longs for us to be in this place with Him. I pray we long to be with Him just as much as He longs to be with us.
I encourage you this day to seek this relationship with God and be His friend so that He can be your friend as well. There is no better place to be. Friends with God. I'll see you there!!
This is the relationship God desires with His man/woman. But this also is the relationship that man desires with his God. For the most part, man has never known God's desire to be a friend to him. Friends enjoy one another's company. They enjoy getting to know one another on a more intimate level. They go beyond the surface level communication and are willing to reveal their hearts to one another. A good example of this is found in Matt 7: 21-23. There are many people who claim to know God and they even do many things in His name, but in the end when they are standing before Jesus, He declares " I never knew you, depart from Me". This friendship thing takes on a more serious tone when you hear that. You see, you really dont know someone until you hang out with them. The longer you spend time together, the more you know about each other and the better friends you become. This is why God created man. To be His friend. There is no closer relationship with God then to be called His friend.
Being a friend of God is not a lack of respect for God, it's the highest honor that man can give to God; calling God his friend, and it's the highest place a man can be; being called God's friend. The term friend almost sounds to casual when you speak it concerning your relationship with God. But "friend" perfectly defines and reveals the very relationship that is most desired by God. (here would be a good place to grab your bible and hear what Jesus has to say about being friends with you in John 15: 12-15). Jesus said He wants to be your friend.
The problem is, there are very few men/women who will draw this close to God. Fear is what keeps them from this relationship with God. Afraid that they are not good enough to walk with God this way. The reason man thinks this way is because they lose sight of the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin and enables us to have fellowship one with another (1 Jn 1:7).
Our adversary, the devil, gets us to get our eyes off Jesus and His blood, and he gets us to look at ourselves without the blood covering, and we don't look so good that way in our sight. And it's that image of ourselves that destroys the opportunity to draw near to God as His friend. We say, "why would God want to be a friend with the likes of someone like me?", then we answer our own question by saying, "He wouldn't". So we buy into the lie of the devil which seperates us from being friends with God. We must see ourselves as God sees us; knowing that we were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold from our aimless conduct received by tradition from our fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and without spot. (1 Pet 1:18-19)
We must understand that God looks at us through the blood of Jesus (now you must be born again for Him to look at you that way) and He sees us as righteous, with out blemish, and without spot, which enables us to come boldly to the throne of Grace where God resides, and sit with Him there, and enjoy Him as our friend. This is where God has wanted man since the beginning of time. The first Adam had this relationship with God, but lost it through sin. The second Adam (Jesus) came and got this relationship back for man once again. Jesus paid the price for our sin, and made the way back to God once again to allow man to be friends with God. God has already laid His life down for us. Our we willing to lay our lives down for Him? That's what friends do.
God is asking you and me today, "do you really want to be My friend?", or do we choose to be in that outer fringe of the Kingdom of God, the kid who sits in the very last seat of the row in his school room, or the man that comes to church and sits in the very last row hoping not to be noticed. This is not where friends of God sit. They sit where Mary sat (Luke 10:39) at the feet of Jesus (now that's up close where you and I belong) desiring to hear the word of God and then talk back and forth with God. God longs for us to be in this place with Him. I pray we long to be with Him just as much as He longs to be with us.
I encourage you this day to seek this relationship with God and be His friend so that He can be your friend as well. There is no better place to be. Friends with God. I'll see you there!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Window of God's Word
When I look through the window of God's word, it enables me to see things through God perspective, or another way to say it is that I'm seeing things the way God sees them.
The one major problem for man/woman when they see things as God sees them is that it makes no sense to them. A man must not only be able to see what God sees, but he must be able to think like He does as well. Rom 12:2 says (my paraphrase) we must not think like the world thinks, but we must think like God thinks if we are going to overcome in this world.
2 Cor 5:7 says that we walk by faith and not by sight. My paraphrase of this scripture is we walk and live on this earth by seeing what God sees, not by what we see. We live in our bodies which is a physical body that is moved by it's senses. Whatever I see is so. Whatever I feel is so. Whatever I hear is so. Whatever I smell is so. Whatever I taste is so. But man was never created to live his life according to his physical senses. Man was created to live his life in the Spirit realm where God and His Kingdom exist where whatever God said was so. However man sinned in the garden of Eden, and man was separated from God and no longer could live in the Spirit realm, but was forced to live by his physical senses in the physical realm. God was Lord over man in the Spirit realm, but when man fell into sin, man exalted himself to Lord over himself and now he would have to lead his own life, instead of following the God who desired to lead him.
But I have good news for you. God has made a way for man to get back to the Spirit realm and enter the relationship with God that He intended man to have from the beginning. Jesus went to the cross for you and me because of the Father's love for us and His desire to have His man back with Him once again. Jesus died on that cross and paid the price for our sin, and has made the way for man to return to his rightful place with God. This doesn't happen automatically for man. Man must make the decision for himself to accept what Jesus has done for him. If man will accept personally for himself what Jesus did on the cross, and believe in his heart that God the Father has raised God the Son from the dead, then this man will be saved and be restored to his rightful place with God (which was the original place man was at the beginning). Jesus says in John 3:3," unless a man is born again, He shall not SEE the Kingdom of God"
Your way back into God's presence where He has always wanted you to be is by being born again. Now be careful here and don't miss this. Being born again is not just mentally agreeing with God, it's more than that. Agreeing is only the first step, and it's the second step that makes the born again experience a reality in your life and that step is BELIEVING what you are agreeing with. You must believe God to be born again. If you look at God's word in Rom 10:9-10, agree with it, then do it by believing it then you are born again. How do you know if you believe it or not. You make a choice to believe it. You make the choice to look through the window of this word and believe what you see there or believe what God has said. You walk away from that scripture window saying with your mouth, "I'm born again, I'm a brand new creature in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). I've been made righteous by the blood of Jesus and I now stand in my rightful place with God." Now your spirit, the real you, is born again and brand new. Now if your flesh body happens to agree with your spirit that will be wonderful, however most likely it won't. Your body will still want to operate in the physical realm and it will look around and see that nothing has changed and the devil will come immediately to persuade you that what you see and feel is right, not what you are trying to believe. But if you will just move from there by believing God, by believing that you are born again because the word says so and that it has nothing to do with how you feel, it only depends on what God has said about. You are born again so go and act that way, and one day along the way, your physical body will begin to join up with your spirit man and agree with it. When this happens you'll know that your spirit has once again regained it's position of authority and now you are living by the Spirit and not according to senses. This is the place of victory.
Once your born again by an act of your faith, the only way you will get to that place where your spirit dominates your flesh is by looking into the word of God day and night. (do what
Prov 4:20-27 says). God will breathe His life into you through His word and you will be changed from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18). You will begin to see things like God sees them because you are looking at things through the window of the word. And before long you'll be thinking just like God because your mind will of been renewed by the word of God.
This is the place God the Father has always intended His man to be in. He has the door wide open to you today, so come on in. Accept Jesus, believe that you are born again, act that way and live in that realm where God wants us to live, in the Spirit.
The world is falling apart around us, but the good news is, if we are born again, then even though we are in this world, we are not of it. We live in the Kingdom of God by living through His word. It's the only firm foundation for a man to stand on. As the song goes " all other ground is sinking sand". Get on the Rock (of Jesus) today and having done all to stand, just stand there as the world crumbles away.
Open the window of God's word today, look in there, and believe what you see there, instead of believing what you see all around you.
The one major problem for man/woman when they see things as God sees them is that it makes no sense to them. A man must not only be able to see what God sees, but he must be able to think like He does as well. Rom 12:2 says (my paraphrase) we must not think like the world thinks, but we must think like God thinks if we are going to overcome in this world.
2 Cor 5:7 says that we walk by faith and not by sight. My paraphrase of this scripture is we walk and live on this earth by seeing what God sees, not by what we see. We live in our bodies which is a physical body that is moved by it's senses. Whatever I see is so. Whatever I feel is so. Whatever I hear is so. Whatever I smell is so. Whatever I taste is so. But man was never created to live his life according to his physical senses. Man was created to live his life in the Spirit realm where God and His Kingdom exist where whatever God said was so. However man sinned in the garden of Eden, and man was separated from God and no longer could live in the Spirit realm, but was forced to live by his physical senses in the physical realm. God was Lord over man in the Spirit realm, but when man fell into sin, man exalted himself to Lord over himself and now he would have to lead his own life, instead of following the God who desired to lead him.
But I have good news for you. God has made a way for man to get back to the Spirit realm and enter the relationship with God that He intended man to have from the beginning. Jesus went to the cross for you and me because of the Father's love for us and His desire to have His man back with Him once again. Jesus died on that cross and paid the price for our sin, and has made the way for man to return to his rightful place with God. This doesn't happen automatically for man. Man must make the decision for himself to accept what Jesus has done for him. If man will accept personally for himself what Jesus did on the cross, and believe in his heart that God the Father has raised God the Son from the dead, then this man will be saved and be restored to his rightful place with God (which was the original place man was at the beginning). Jesus says in John 3:3," unless a man is born again, He shall not SEE the Kingdom of God"
Your way back into God's presence where He has always wanted you to be is by being born again. Now be careful here and don't miss this. Being born again is not just mentally agreeing with God, it's more than that. Agreeing is only the first step, and it's the second step that makes the born again experience a reality in your life and that step is BELIEVING what you are agreeing with. You must believe God to be born again. If you look at God's word in Rom 10:9-10, agree with it, then do it by believing it then you are born again. How do you know if you believe it or not. You make a choice to believe it. You make the choice to look through the window of this word and believe what you see there or believe what God has said. You walk away from that scripture window saying with your mouth, "I'm born again, I'm a brand new creature in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). I've been made righteous by the blood of Jesus and I now stand in my rightful place with God." Now your spirit, the real you, is born again and brand new. Now if your flesh body happens to agree with your spirit that will be wonderful, however most likely it won't. Your body will still want to operate in the physical realm and it will look around and see that nothing has changed and the devil will come immediately to persuade you that what you see and feel is right, not what you are trying to believe. But if you will just move from there by believing God, by believing that you are born again because the word says so and that it has nothing to do with how you feel, it only depends on what God has said about. You are born again so go and act that way, and one day along the way, your physical body will begin to join up with your spirit man and agree with it. When this happens you'll know that your spirit has once again regained it's position of authority and now you are living by the Spirit and not according to senses. This is the place of victory.
Once your born again by an act of your faith, the only way you will get to that place where your spirit dominates your flesh is by looking into the word of God day and night. (do what
Prov 4:20-27 says). God will breathe His life into you through His word and you will be changed from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18). You will begin to see things like God sees them because you are looking at things through the window of the word. And before long you'll be thinking just like God because your mind will of been renewed by the word of God.
This is the place God the Father has always intended His man to be in. He has the door wide open to you today, so come on in. Accept Jesus, believe that you are born again, act that way and live in that realm where God wants us to live, in the Spirit.
The world is falling apart around us, but the good news is, if we are born again, then even though we are in this world, we are not of it. We live in the Kingdom of God by living through His word. It's the only firm foundation for a man to stand on. As the song goes " all other ground is sinking sand". Get on the Rock (of Jesus) today and having done all to stand, just stand there as the world crumbles away.
Open the window of God's word today, look in there, and believe what you see there, instead of believing what you see all around you.
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