I draw the life of God into me (into my spirit) through (or by) His Word. If I'm not exposed to the word of God, then I'm not exposed to the life of God. God's life is in His word. If I neglect the word, then I lose touch with the life of God. To be strong in my spirit, I must be filled with the word of God.
Satan's target for the believer is the word of God. He will do anything to keep the believer from the word of God, because he knows the word is the Believer's life source. Satan can steal, kill, and destroy the Believer by cutting off his life source. Satan knows that once the Believer stops consuming the word of God, it's but a matter of time before he will wither and die (spiritually, which then leads to physically). (Read John 15:1-8)
Jesus said in John 6:63. "it is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are Spirit and they are Life." My greatest responsibility as a Believer is to keep a steady, continuous flow of the word of God coming into my spirit. When I look upon the word of God, I must realize that I'm breathing God's life into my spirit.
When I was born again (Dec 3, 1979), the Spirit of God came into my spirit, and recreated me. He made me brand new and Jesus' Spirit now lives within me. My spirit now craves the milk and the meat of the word of God, because that is what feeds my spirit and brings God's life to my spirit. Just as the physical man that does not eat food will wither and die, so is the same in my spirit, for without the word of God, it will wither and die.
The word of God is my life source. Prov 4:22 says, "for the word is life unto those that find them and health (and medicine) to all their flesh." God's word is my life source and I must consume it everyday to stay alive in my spirit. But it is the word of God that also keeps my flesh alive as well. When you starve your spirit of the word of God, it will wither, become weak, and eventually die and the body with a dead spirit is dead as well. As the condition of your spirit goes, so goes the body.
The priority of the Believer everyday is to breathe the life of God into himself/herself, so that he can live that life that God desires for him/her. God wants His life to be your life. He wants you to be just like Him, and He has made the way for that to happen. When you breathe God's life into your spirit you will be living your life from the life of God.
What will you look like if you continuously consume the word of God everyday? You'll look just like Jesus, the word made flesh (John 1:14), a living episitle read by all men ( 2 Cor 3: 2-3). You already know that your physical body needs a certain amount of food to survive, and you take care of that need. God is telling us today, that it is the spirit man that gives life to the body, therefore the spirit man must have priority in what you consume each and every day. You must feed the spirit man (the word of God) to live a God empowered life. This is the way God has made it for a man/woman to truly live life. By breathing God's life from consuming the word of God, the man in turn lives his life from the life of God that is now in his spirit, and the end result is that man/woman will look just like Jesus and the light of Jesus will draw men to the Father.
That is the plan of God for a man/woman, now go and breathe His life into yourself. Look at the word of God, consume it (by looking at it and meditating upon it), and live. Then know this, "that no weapon formed against you may prosper (Isa 54:17) and because you have chosen to consume the word of God everyday, no evil shall overtake you, nor any plague come near your dwelling (that's your physical house , the one with a roof on it, but it's also your physical body as well, that which houses your spirit) (Ps 91:9-10).
God has given man a choice on how to live his life. (Deut 30:19) God even tells us what the right choice is. He says, "choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." The way you choose life each day according to God's will, is by making a choice for for His word and consuming it and making sure to consume more of it than anything else you'll do that day. This is God's way to being able to live His life within you. The choice is yours and mine. I'm going to choose life, how about you?
Let me help you get started in consuming the Word. Start with these:
Deut 6:6-9, Joshua 1:8, 8:34-35, 23:6; 1 Sam 3: 1 & 21, Ps 12:6, 1 Kings 8:56, 2 Chron 6:4 & 14-15, Neh 8:18, Ps 1:2, Ps 40:8, Ps 18:30, Prov 30:5, Ps 119:89, Matt 4:4, John 4:50, John 5:24,
John 17:17, Rom 10:17, James 1:21
Now take a deep breath of the word, and breathe in God's life into your spirit and live!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Believer's Repentance (say what?)
Repentance is a word that most people are familiar with, however, many people have the wrong understanding of what repentance means. Many people believe that repentance means "to be sorry for something", but that is not what repentance means at all. That feeling sorry for something is what leads you to repentance. Repentance means to make a complete change of direction. To stop doing one thing and start doing another. It's to turn completely from one course of action to another. Repentance is not a feeling, but a complete change of direction.
When most people think of repentance, they think about the sinner turning from his ungodly ways to God's ways and thank God that He has made a way for man to be born again so that he can live his life according to God's way. However, God has another use for repentance.
The Holy Spirit wants to speak to us today about the "Believer's Repentance". The term itself is hard to receive because it doesn't fit into our understanding of repentance, but there is a time and a need for a believer to repent and that is God's message for us today.
When must a Believer repent? You say," when he sins", but God does not require the believer to repent. God has declared His truth about this matter in 1 John 1:9. When the believer sins, the believer must confess his sin before God, and then the believer must receive his forgiveness from God by faith and be restored to his right place before God (or the direction he was heading before he sinned). The Believer has already turned away from death when he was born again, and has now been moving towards God and His ways. That sin (the Believer committed) has not taken the Believer off his course towards God, but it has parked him along the side of the divine highway in a broken down condition and that Believer needs to be fixed so that he can continue his journey with God, and that is done according to 1 John 1:7-9.
So the question is again, when must the Believer repent? The answer is when the Believer is believing something wrong about God and His Word, then there is need of repentance by the Believer so as to be able to receive the Truth of God's way and then turn and go that way.
The Word of God declares to us 1 John 4 about the spirit of error and the Spirit of Truth. The Believer can hear things taught about the Word that comes from the spirit of error (to clear up any confusion about the spirit of error, this is the spirit of the Believer's enemy- satan lying or distorting the Truth). The Believer receives this error as Truth and he sincerely believes it, but he is sincerely wrong in what he believes.
Jesus had much to say to those that had a zeal for God (Rom 10:1-3), but who understood wrongly about Him. Jesus said in Matt 22:29, "You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God". He also said in Matt 15:6, "thus you have made the commandment (the Word) of God of no effect by your tradition".
So is it possible for the Believer to believe wrongly? Yes! A thousand times "Yes"! If this is true then there is need for the Believer to repent from the spirit of error and turn towards the Spirit of Truth and follow Him.
How do you know as a Believer that you are following the Spirit of Truth? Only one way! You must think just like Jesus thinks. Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6) and if the Believer will think like Jesus and do the things that Jesus did (and still does), then he is being led by the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit said through the Apostle Paul in Phil 2:5, "Let (that means you permit it to be so) this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus". Then the scripture goes on and tells us how we should think if we are going to think like Jesus did (and still does).
The Believer is given many opportunities by the enemy (the spirit of error) to believe wrongly, because there are many voices in the land that speak wrongly about God and His ways. That is why the Believer must take everything he hears about God, then go to the Word and have the Holy Spirit confirm the Word that he has heard as either error or Truth (this is why I go to great effort to give you scripture references when I unwrap the truth that the Holy Spirit
has given me). We the Believers are responsible to seek after the Truth and then follow it by doing it, no matter how many might disagree with us or turn us away.
If you are believing something wrong about God today, the Holy Spirit will reveal the Truth to you (1 Cor 2:9-12, everybody knows verse 9 and uses it as an excuse for not knowing the Truth, but few read on and receive the Truth in verses 10-12). What are you going to do with that Truth? Repent or continue believing wrongly? The choice is yours, but know that God is calling you to the Truth. That's what I want, and that is why I am quick to repent when I've believed something wrongly, so that the Truth becomes my way of life and I pray that it becomes yours as well.
Read 2 Peter 3:14-18 to allow the Holy Spirit to seal this Truth into your heart. Be determined to know the Truth for Jesus said "it will make you free". (John 8:30-32)
When most people think of repentance, they think about the sinner turning from his ungodly ways to God's ways and thank God that He has made a way for man to be born again so that he can live his life according to God's way. However, God has another use for repentance.
The Holy Spirit wants to speak to us today about the "Believer's Repentance". The term itself is hard to receive because it doesn't fit into our understanding of repentance, but there is a time and a need for a believer to repent and that is God's message for us today.
When must a Believer repent? You say," when he sins", but God does not require the believer to repent. God has declared His truth about this matter in 1 John 1:9. When the believer sins, the believer must confess his sin before God, and then the believer must receive his forgiveness from God by faith and be restored to his right place before God (or the direction he was heading before he sinned). The Believer has already turned away from death when he was born again, and has now been moving towards God and His ways. That sin (the Believer committed) has not taken the Believer off his course towards God, but it has parked him along the side of the divine highway in a broken down condition and that Believer needs to be fixed so that he can continue his journey with God, and that is done according to 1 John 1:7-9.
So the question is again, when must the Believer repent? The answer is when the Believer is believing something wrong about God and His Word, then there is need of repentance by the Believer so as to be able to receive the Truth of God's way and then turn and go that way.
The Word of God declares to us 1 John 4 about the spirit of error and the Spirit of Truth. The Believer can hear things taught about the Word that comes from the spirit of error (to clear up any confusion about the spirit of error, this is the spirit of the Believer's enemy- satan lying or distorting the Truth). The Believer receives this error as Truth and he sincerely believes it, but he is sincerely wrong in what he believes.
Jesus had much to say to those that had a zeal for God (Rom 10:1-3), but who understood wrongly about Him. Jesus said in Matt 22:29, "You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God". He also said in Matt 15:6, "thus you have made the commandment (the Word) of God of no effect by your tradition".
So is it possible for the Believer to believe wrongly? Yes! A thousand times "Yes"! If this is true then there is need for the Believer to repent from the spirit of error and turn towards the Spirit of Truth and follow Him.
How do you know as a Believer that you are following the Spirit of Truth? Only one way! You must think just like Jesus thinks. Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6) and if the Believer will think like Jesus and do the things that Jesus did (and still does), then he is being led by the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit said through the Apostle Paul in Phil 2:5, "Let (that means you permit it to be so) this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus". Then the scripture goes on and tells us how we should think if we are going to think like Jesus did (and still does).
The Believer is given many opportunities by the enemy (the spirit of error) to believe wrongly, because there are many voices in the land that speak wrongly about God and His ways. That is why the Believer must take everything he hears about God, then go to the Word and have the Holy Spirit confirm the Word that he has heard as either error or Truth (this is why I go to great effort to give you scripture references when I unwrap the truth that the Holy Spirit
has given me). We the Believers are responsible to seek after the Truth and then follow it by doing it, no matter how many might disagree with us or turn us away.
If you are believing something wrong about God today, the Holy Spirit will reveal the Truth to you (1 Cor 2:9-12, everybody knows verse 9 and uses it as an excuse for not knowing the Truth, but few read on and receive the Truth in verses 10-12). What are you going to do with that Truth? Repent or continue believing wrongly? The choice is yours, but know that God is calling you to the Truth. That's what I want, and that is why I am quick to repent when I've believed something wrongly, so that the Truth becomes my way of life and I pray that it becomes yours as well.
Read 2 Peter 3:14-18 to allow the Holy Spirit to seal this Truth into your heart. Be determined to know the Truth for Jesus said "it will make you free". (John 8:30-32)
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