God spoke the following message directly to my heart and that is the way I will share it with you. The first time I heard God say to me, "Your ability to believe Me comes from Me" was about 27 years ago. My original question to Him was, "How can I believe you?", which came from me because I had been walking with the Lord for only a couple of years, but it was obvious to me that I did not know how to believe Him the way God was asking me to, so I asked Him how to believe Him so that I could receive from Him. The revelation to that question is still coming forth to this day, because the more I grow in Him, the more He can reveal. So God said to me just the other day........................
Your ability to believe Me comes from Me. And what comes from Me is My Word. Your ability to believe My Word will always be in direct relationship to the amount of My Word that is on deposit in your heart. You can't believe My Word unless that Word you desire to believe is residing in your heart. You can not believe My Word by just knowing My Word. Knowing My Word is the first step to believing My Word. You can't believe what you know until what you know is residing in your heart, and there is only one way for My Word to reside in your heart and that is by meditating day and night that Word you desire to believe.
There is no other way for you to believe Me, then what I have declared to you this day. Men fail with My Word because they can not believe it, for one reason and one reason only, because they refuse to do it My way. They accuse Me of My Word not being True. They accuse Me of not being faithful to My Word to perform it in their lives, but they accuse Me wrongly. For I am faithful to My Word and it is True and I will perform it in the life of a man (woman) who will believe it My way.
But what man calls believing is not what I call believing. Man trys to believe My Word apart from Me , but this is impossible for I have made only one way for My Word to be believed. It must be first heard, but at this point you only know something, you don't believe it. So many of My people have been hurt at this very place because they thought they were believing Me, but they were only doing what they knew, and what they knew could not hold up under the pressure of the enemy's attack against that Word that they knew. (Now I don't want you to miss what God said here. He said the attack was against the Word, not the Man. Satan's target is always the Word and he comes to steal it from a man before he can believe it). In their eyes they believed My Word failed them, but in reality they failed to believe Me, they only knew what I said, but they didn't believe what I said because believing Me, comes from Me, and what comes from Me is My Word, and unless that Word is alive in your heart (not your head), you can't believe Me.
I have told man plainly how to believe Me, but they refuse to do it. They always look for another way. A short cut, but there is no other way to believe Me. I have hidden this truth in My book of Joshua (1:8) where I declared, "this book of the Law (My Word) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then (and only then will you be able to believe what I've said) you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success." (in believing)
The only way you can believe Me is by keeping your eye on Me by keeping your eye on My Word. If you take your eyes off of My Word and look at something else that opposes My Word, you will not be able to believe Me. For Peter walked on the water as long as He looked at Me, for as long as he looked at Me he believed what I said to him when I said "Come" and he believed he could walk on the water and he did, but when he looked away from Me and looked at something else, he quit believing Me and started believing something else, and he began to sink. My Word (Come) held him up until he stopped believing it. My Word did not fail him, but he failed to continue believing it and he sank (Matt 14:29-31).
Does this sound to hard to you My son? Does this seem unfair to you? Do you desire an easier way, like all the others? There is no other way to believe Me for I have made it this way. This is the point where many of My children get to, then turn back and refuse to go on with Me for they have counted the cost of believing Me to be to high for you see I am asking for all of them, every part of their life, for it belongs to Me, for I paid a great price for it, by sending My Son Jesus to die on the cross for them, therefore the standard for believing Me is set very high, but the One who went to the cross believed Me this exact way, setting the example for all men (women) and demonstrating that a man can believe Me this way.
Now you have a choice My son. You can believe Me on My terms or you can just fall back to knowing Me like most men do. My Son Jesus declared to you, "take heed what you hear, for whoever has my Word in his heart, to him more ability to believe Me will be given him, but whoever does not have My Word in his heart, even what amount of My Word he has in his head, will be taken away from him." (Mark 4:24-25 with God's revelation given to me). My Kingdom works this way My son. First you Hear the Word, then keep hearing that same Word until it is planted in your heart, and you should sleep by night and rise by day and the seed of My Word should sprout and grow, you yourself won't know how this is happening, it just is. Then your heart will yield a crop that I call "Believing". It will grow in stages until the crop becomes full grown. When it is full grown, now you are able to believe Me, and because you are believing Me, harvest time has come and harvest time is that time for what you are believing Me for comes to pass (Mark 4:24-29).
This is a faithful and true saying to you My son. This is how you believe Me. This is the only way you can believe Me. Are you willing to really believe Me? The cost is high, but the reward is even greater. Your believing Me will put a smile on My face (Heb 11:6) and it will give Me great pleasure to give you the contents of My Kingdom (Luke 12:32). They are waiting here for you today. Believe Me, and I will swing the door wide open for you....................
So ends God's message to me and I'll close with this verse: "Oh how I love Your Word! It is my meditation all the day (Ps 119:97) Why? So that I can believe it!!! (it's the only way)
I have told man plainly how to believe Me, but they refuse to do it. They always look for another way. A short cut, but there is no other way to believe Me. I have hidden this truth in My book of Joshua (1:8) where I declared, "this book of the Law (My Word) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then (and only then will you be able to believe what I've said) you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success." (in believing)
The only way you can believe Me is by keeping your eye on Me by keeping your eye on My Word. If you take your eyes off of My Word and look at something else that opposes My Word, you will not be able to believe Me. For Peter walked on the water as long as He looked at Me, for as long as he looked at Me he believed what I said to him when I said "Come" and he believed he could walk on the water and he did, but when he looked away from Me and looked at something else, he quit believing Me and started believing something else, and he began to sink. My Word (Come) held him up until he stopped believing it. My Word did not fail him, but he failed to continue believing it and he sank (Matt 14:29-31).
Does this sound to hard to you My son? Does this seem unfair to you? Do you desire an easier way, like all the others? There is no other way to believe Me for I have made it this way. This is the point where many of My children get to, then turn back and refuse to go on with Me for they have counted the cost of believing Me to be to high for you see I am asking for all of them, every part of their life, for it belongs to Me, for I paid a great price for it, by sending My Son Jesus to die on the cross for them, therefore the standard for believing Me is set very high, but the One who went to the cross believed Me this exact way, setting the example for all men (women) and demonstrating that a man can believe Me this way.
Now you have a choice My son. You can believe Me on My terms or you can just fall back to knowing Me like most men do. My Son Jesus declared to you, "take heed what you hear, for whoever has my Word in his heart, to him more ability to believe Me will be given him, but whoever does not have My Word in his heart, even what amount of My Word he has in his head, will be taken away from him." (Mark 4:24-25 with God's revelation given to me). My Kingdom works this way My son. First you Hear the Word, then keep hearing that same Word until it is planted in your heart, and you should sleep by night and rise by day and the seed of My Word should sprout and grow, you yourself won't know how this is happening, it just is. Then your heart will yield a crop that I call "Believing". It will grow in stages until the crop becomes full grown. When it is full grown, now you are able to believe Me, and because you are believing Me, harvest time has come and harvest time is that time for what you are believing Me for comes to pass (Mark 4:24-29).
This is a faithful and true saying to you My son. This is how you believe Me. This is the only way you can believe Me. Are you willing to really believe Me? The cost is high, but the reward is even greater. Your believing Me will put a smile on My face (Heb 11:6) and it will give Me great pleasure to give you the contents of My Kingdom (Luke 12:32). They are waiting here for you today. Believe Me, and I will swing the door wide open for you....................
So ends God's message to me and I'll close with this verse: "Oh how I love Your Word! It is my meditation all the day (Ps 119:97) Why? So that I can believe it!!! (it's the only way)