Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You Call Yourself a Believer. Does God?

Here is a truth you must understand if you are going to be a Believer. Your actions will ALWAYS reveal what you believe. If your mind believes something, but your actions don't confirm what your mind believes, then you really don't believe it. If you say that you know the Truth and believe it, but you do something else when the effects of living in this world come against you, then that what you do is what you really believe and what you really believe is the foundation that you are living upon. The goal of the Believer is to be doing what he believes, for when he does, he is truly believing and when you are truly believing, then what you believe becomes your foundation and that foundation will either hold you up (if you are believing God's Word) or break down (if you are believing something that opposes God's Word), depending on what you are believing.

What you "do" is the most critical step in believing, for what you do confirms what you believe. If you say you believe, but do something else, then you really don't believe it, you only "know" it. Most Believers expect God to respond to what they know. They say they know it (the Truth) and because they know it, they expect God to do it. But when they see that "what they know" is not coming to pass, they consider something else and go do that instead. They become frustrated with God and don't understand why God's Word is not coming to pass in their life. They lose confidence in what they know, and they look to something else for the solution to their problem.

You must look upon the Word of God until you are willing to do it. When you are willing to do what you know, that is when you you believe it and God said that when you believe it, you shall have it (Mark 11:24). This is the way God has designed the Spirit realm to work and operate. Until you move into the way of the Spirit and do it God's way, you will not be able to possess the promises of God that He declares to you in His Word.

What man calls believing, and what God calls believing, are two different things. Man believes when he sees it. God believes when He says it, because what He says is established in His heart and He is saying what He believes. God believes before He sees it. ( In Gen 1:3 God said, "Light be" and light was. Why? How? Because He believed in His heart and said with His mouth what He believed, exactly how He expects you and me, His children, to do it).

Now, when you believe the way God believes, you'll go and do it, and when you do it, you'll know that you believe it and when you believe it this way, it will come to pass, for all the Promises of God are "Yes" and "Amen" in Christ (2 Cor 1:20). Then what you are believing, you will see come to pass. If it doesn't, then you didn't believe it and it takes a humble man to accept this truth, but it is the truth none the less.

God's Word will always prevail when it is believed. How do I know that, because God said it would! (Isa 55:11) End of discussion!!