The Word is Truth. But the Word won't be truth in your or my life unless you and I believe it. You can be sick, knowing what the Truth says, "by His stripes you are/were healed" (Isa 53:5 and 1 Pet 2:24) and remain sick, for just knowing the Truth won't change a thing. It's what you do because of what you know that changes things. It's believing the Truth that will change things, not knowing it.
The Truth will always be true, no matter what circumstances surround that Truth. Hold onto what is true (God's Word), and it will prevail every time. It has to. It's Truth. And what is the Truth? JESUS!!! (John 14:6)
Whose report are you going to believe? (Isa 53:1) God's or are you going to base your faith on something else? God's report will prevail and it will never change, the others will not.
God says, "I set before you life and death, blessing and curing, choose life" (Deut 30:19). I say, choose life also. How do you choose life? By choosing the Truth. How do you choose the Truth? By choosing the Word? How do you choose the Word? By receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior and believing what He says, for He is the Word made flesh and the Word is God. (John 1:1,14)
Choose the way of Truth, for as for God, His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is proven (2 Sam 22:31).
What else could I tell you? Just believe the Truth, and the Truth will make you free. (John 8:32)
Be Blessed!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Are You A World Overcomer? (Why Not?)
Now the just shall live by faith (Heb 10:38). Why? So that they can overcome the world !!
(1 Jn 5: 4-5)
I'm in the world but I'm not of the world. (John 17:14-16) I'm in the Kingdom of God and live according to God's Kingdom, not according to satan's rule and reign in this world. God has made a way for me to live in the world and not be overcome by it, but rather He has made me an overcomer of the world by enabling me to live by faith. Faith enables me to live in the midst of the world and not be overcome by it. Though the enemy (the devil) rushes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against it (Isa 59:19--that standard He lifts up is His Word coming out of your and my mouth). Though I'm surrounded by the world, the evil one touches me not ( 1 Jn 5:18).
My faith in God creates a wall of protection around me. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge, my Fortress, my God, in Him will I trust (Ps 91:2). As long as I'm believing God, my wall of protection is in tact around me. Now, that outer wall (my flesh body) will come under attack,(I said, you will come under attack, your being a Christian doesn't keep you from being attacked, as a matter of fact it puts a bigger target on your back) and I may even be wounded, but my spirit man (the real me) remains untouched and unharmed. Though my body (the wall) may feel pain, if my spirit man remains in faith in God, my body will endure whatever comes against me and my faith (in God) will enable me to overcome the enemy's assault, and I will be victorious, and my body (the outer wall) will be healed and restored to perfect operating condition.
Everybody in the church knows the story of Job, dear God I mean everybody, ( I think the Church knows more about Job than they do Jesus) and for the most part they have heard the story of Job wrong and distorted by the help of satan the accuser of the Brethren. Do you remember where God said to satan, "Behold all that he (Job) has is in your power"(Job 1:12). Everything outside of Job's outer wall (his body of flesh) was in satan's power because everything outside of the outer wall is called the world. Now God did go onto to say in verse 12 that satan could not touch his person, meaning his spirit man (the real Job). As you all know Job came under extreme attack against his outer wall, weakened and almost caved in, but came to his senses after hearing God's voice (His Word), acted on it, and his outer wall (his body) was healed and everything restored to him. God gave Job to us as an example (use God's example, not satan's) and you better learn it well. As long as we are in this world, everything that is outside our outer wall (our body of flesh) is under the influence of satan and he will attack your outer wall with the full intent of stealing, killing and destroying you. But do what Job finally did. Come to your senses, quit licking your wounds, stand up and fight the good fight of faith and prevail over your enemy. (Oh, I'm feeling good now, I've preached myself happy!!).
My faith in God (Mark 11:22) enables me to overcome anything I will face in this world. But in the midst of the battle I must hold fast to what I believe, for if I do, God has assured me that I will overcome. How do I know this? He gave me His Son Jesus as His perfect example to see and imitate. God the Father told His Son Jesus the plan for man's redemption. Jesus believed the Father (Jesus had to believe the Father, just like we have to believe the Son) all the way to the Cross, to the grave, to Hell itself to confront satan head on, and because Jesus believed the Father and would not let go of what He believed, the Father responded to His Word of promise to His Son, and raised Jesus up from the dead (Praise God!!). Jesus' faith made Him a world overcomer and Jesus has given me (and you) His faith (Heb 12:2) to be able to do the same thing He did, and further more, He expects me (and you) to be just like Him in every way and if He expects me to be like Him, then He enables me to do it and the way He does that is through my believing what He says to me. If I will believe Him instead of what I see and feel around me, then I'll overcome just like Him.
That is the reason the Church (the body of Christ) is still on the earth today. We (the Church) are God's witness to the world that God's Kingdom is in their midst. Our witness is clearly seen when we overcome by faith the things that come against us in this world. We've seen Jesus do it, now He says to us, "you go and do what I did and be witnesses to Me (Acts 1:8), and men will be drawn to My Father just like you were. .....prophetic word now from Jesus to you, "I have just told you your purpose for being on this earth today and I've just told you the purpose of faith that I have given you. Are you willing to believe Me so that the world can see Me? If you do, I have promised you that you will overcome this world and be blessed in every way. Did I not declare to you that if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land?(Isa 1:19) Now do you understand why I said , "the just shall live by faith?" For no other reason than to be a world overcomer. Now go and be that man (woman) today. Let your light so shine before men so that they can see Me and be drawn to My Father. You can do this, because I did it first and overcome the evil one. Now you go empowered by Me and do the same thing. I (Jesus) hear you asking Me, "where is the power?", and My answer to you is, "in believing Me" (not just believing IN Me that I exist, but believing Me, believing what I say and then willing to do it). Now your first step is to believe Me, then go and do what you believe and by doing this you are a "world overcomer" just like Me", says the Lord....end of prophetic message
Okay Terry (that's me, whose writing this under the influence of the Holy Spirit, just in case you're new and don't know my name---it's nice to meet you!). Okay Terry, how (in the world) do I do this? Only one way I know. Read and meditate Joshua 1:8 and Isa 59:21. Now camp on these scriptures for about a week, until the truth of what God is saying gets lodged into your spirit, ( you have to get it (this truth of the Word) out of your head/mind and into your heart/spirit) and then go and do what God has said about it. Whatever situation in this world that stands before you or you find yourself in, God requires only one thing from you. That is to only say what He (God) says about it (in His Word), not one other thing, especially what you are someone else thinks about it. If you will do it God's way, you will be who God says you are, "A World Overcomer!!"
(1 Jn 5: 4-5)
I'm in the world but I'm not of the world. (John 17:14-16) I'm in the Kingdom of God and live according to God's Kingdom, not according to satan's rule and reign in this world. God has made a way for me to live in the world and not be overcome by it, but rather He has made me an overcomer of the world by enabling me to live by faith. Faith enables me to live in the midst of the world and not be overcome by it. Though the enemy (the devil) rushes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against it (Isa 59:19--that standard He lifts up is His Word coming out of your and my mouth). Though I'm surrounded by the world, the evil one touches me not ( 1 Jn 5:18).
My faith in God creates a wall of protection around me. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge, my Fortress, my God, in Him will I trust (Ps 91:2). As long as I'm believing God, my wall of protection is in tact around me. Now, that outer wall (my flesh body) will come under attack,(I said, you will come under attack, your being a Christian doesn't keep you from being attacked, as a matter of fact it puts a bigger target on your back) and I may even be wounded, but my spirit man (the real me) remains untouched and unharmed. Though my body (the wall) may feel pain, if my spirit man remains in faith in God, my body will endure whatever comes against me and my faith (in God) will enable me to overcome the enemy's assault, and I will be victorious, and my body (the outer wall) will be healed and restored to perfect operating condition.
Everybody in the church knows the story of Job, dear God I mean everybody, ( I think the Church knows more about Job than they do Jesus) and for the most part they have heard the story of Job wrong and distorted by the help of satan the accuser of the Brethren. Do you remember where God said to satan, "Behold all that he (Job) has is in your power"(Job 1:12). Everything outside of Job's outer wall (his body of flesh) was in satan's power because everything outside of the outer wall is called the world. Now God did go onto to say in verse 12 that satan could not touch his person, meaning his spirit man (the real Job). As you all know Job came under extreme attack against his outer wall, weakened and almost caved in, but came to his senses after hearing God's voice (His Word), acted on it, and his outer wall (his body) was healed and everything restored to him. God gave Job to us as an example (use God's example, not satan's) and you better learn it well. As long as we are in this world, everything that is outside our outer wall (our body of flesh) is under the influence of satan and he will attack your outer wall with the full intent of stealing, killing and destroying you. But do what Job finally did. Come to your senses, quit licking your wounds, stand up and fight the good fight of faith and prevail over your enemy. (Oh, I'm feeling good now, I've preached myself happy!!).
My faith in God (Mark 11:22) enables me to overcome anything I will face in this world. But in the midst of the battle I must hold fast to what I believe, for if I do, God has assured me that I will overcome. How do I know this? He gave me His Son Jesus as His perfect example to see and imitate. God the Father told His Son Jesus the plan for man's redemption. Jesus believed the Father (Jesus had to believe the Father, just like we have to believe the Son) all the way to the Cross, to the grave, to Hell itself to confront satan head on, and because Jesus believed the Father and would not let go of what He believed, the Father responded to His Word of promise to His Son, and raised Jesus up from the dead (Praise God!!). Jesus' faith made Him a world overcomer and Jesus has given me (and you) His faith (Heb 12:2) to be able to do the same thing He did, and further more, He expects me (and you) to be just like Him in every way and if He expects me to be like Him, then He enables me to do it and the way He does that is through my believing what He says to me. If I will believe Him instead of what I see and feel around me, then I'll overcome just like Him.
That is the reason the Church (the body of Christ) is still on the earth today. We (the Church) are God's witness to the world that God's Kingdom is in their midst. Our witness is clearly seen when we overcome by faith the things that come against us in this world. We've seen Jesus do it, now He says to us, "you go and do what I did and be witnesses to Me (Acts 1:8), and men will be drawn to My Father just like you were. .....prophetic word now from Jesus to you, "I have just told you your purpose for being on this earth today and I've just told you the purpose of faith that I have given you. Are you willing to believe Me so that the world can see Me? If you do, I have promised you that you will overcome this world and be blessed in every way. Did I not declare to you that if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land?(Isa 1:19) Now do you understand why I said , "the just shall live by faith?" For no other reason than to be a world overcomer. Now go and be that man (woman) today. Let your light so shine before men so that they can see Me and be drawn to My Father. You can do this, because I did it first and overcome the evil one. Now you go empowered by Me and do the same thing. I (Jesus) hear you asking Me, "where is the power?", and My answer to you is, "in believing Me" (not just believing IN Me that I exist, but believing Me, believing what I say and then willing to do it). Now your first step is to believe Me, then go and do what you believe and by doing this you are a "world overcomer" just like Me", says the Lord....end of prophetic message
Okay Terry (that's me, whose writing this under the influence of the Holy Spirit, just in case you're new and don't know my name---it's nice to meet you!). Okay Terry, how (in the world) do I do this? Only one way I know. Read and meditate Joshua 1:8 and Isa 59:21. Now camp on these scriptures for about a week, until the truth of what God is saying gets lodged into your spirit, ( you have to get it (this truth of the Word) out of your head/mind and into your heart/spirit) and then go and do what God has said about it. Whatever situation in this world that stands before you or you find yourself in, God requires only one thing from you. That is to only say what He (God) says about it (in His Word), not one other thing, especially what you are someone else thinks about it. If you will do it God's way, you will be who God says you are, "A World Overcomer!!"
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