Jesus said, "Now My soul is troubled and what shall I say? Father save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour". (John 12:27)
Jesus said He was troubled because of where He found Himself and what stood before Him. He said, should I pray to God (the Father) to get me out of this situation? No, because for this purpose I came and that purpose was to reveal God the Father, to let His light so shine before the world so that men/women would be drawn to the light of God and enter the Kingdom of God through the Son.Jesus knew His purpose and why He was here, and He knew what He had to do to cross the finish line and complete the race that was set before Him for all humanity.
The Apostle Paul was learning this truth in 2 Cor 12:7-10 when satan sent one of his messengers to buffet or resist Paul in what he was doing. This messenger became a pain in the neck (better known as Paul's thorn in the flesh) to Paul and he pleaded with God to take this bad situation away from him.
Man always does this. We always want the easy way of least resistance. We don't want any hardship so we are always trying to pray our way out of it, while all the time, that was our very assignment from God to be in a situation that we could not control with our own abilities, but our only way out was through God working through us and through doing this God's glory is revealed to those in darkness, and they are drawn to the light of God.
Paul figured this out through revelation when God said to him, "My Grace IS SUFFICIENT for you". God's Grace is always sufficient in any situation you'll face, for the Holy Spirit declares (through Paul), "For by Grace are you have been saved (healed, set free, delivered, made whole--it's the Greek word sozo and this word saved is way deeper, wider and stronger then most Christians understand it to be), For by Grace you have been saved through Faith."
Everything you need in life God has provided for you ( 2 Pet 1:3). There is nothing that you need that is not included in God's Grace and that is why God said, "My Grace is sufficient for you". All you must do to receive the promise of His Grace is by believing what God has said to you, that His Grace is sufficient or "I've already provided for your need, now believe Me for it and you will receive it." Paul learned this and rejoiced and praised God for he knew the victory was his.
God is calling you and me to this same place of understanding. God says to His children, "don't be in such a hurry to get out of that difficult place you are in. For this is the very purpose I sent you there so that you could fight the good fight of faith and let your light shine before men, so that these men would be drawn unto Me.
Brothers and Sisters, if you are following the Spirit of God (the Word) with your life, then you are at the right place at the right time no matter how ugly or difficult it may seem. For this purpose were you called there to reveal the Living God to those around you. You can stand confidently in the middle of the situation you find yourself in knowing that God's Grace is sufficient and more than enough and He will save (deliver) you out of it when your mission is complete and your light has done it's work.
Are we willing to trust God to this extent with our lives? Well, Jesus did, and He is our perfect example. And whatever He did that is our calling as well for Jesus said, "those that believe in Me, the works that I do, they shall do also." (John 14:12)
So before you quickly call to God to bail you out of a situation, make sure your mission is complete. How will you know when it is complete? God will save (deliver) you from (or out of) it, and you'll be looking back at it.
If you understand what Jesus has told us today, then you'll know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isa 54:17). When you see adversity ahead, you'll run at it like King David did against the giant (1 Sam 17:48), because you'll also know what David knew, God's Grace was sufficient for him, and it surely was and it will surely be for you as well.
Father glorify your Name through me today!! ( John 12:28) That is what Jesus said when He saw the Cross before Him and He knew God's Grace was sufficient for Him to finish His mission and thanks be to God He did for because He lives, so do we, therefore we say what Jesus said, " Father glorify your Name (through me today)".
Be Blessed (Ps 40:4)