Then why didn't I see the victory when I was believing Him and following Him?
Because you didn't follow Jesus far enough. You quit following Him because you didn't see the answer to your prayer or your confession of faith, so you grew weary by looking at the problem instead of looking at the Promise (Jesus--the Word), and you quit following Jesus and you chose another way.
Jesus ALWAYS leads to triumph and victory. ALWAYS!! If you follow Him all the way, you will see the victory. If you don't see it, then know that you didn't follow Him far enough and quit. Quitters never win and Winners never quit (even the world uses this statement of truth).
The Word of God says you always triumph, you always see the victory. The only reason this would not happen for you is because you quit the race before the finish line. You gave into the contrary evidence that came against you and that evidence became bigger to you then the One you were following, so you stopped following Jesus, and started to follow the natural evidence that was coming against you because you bought into the lie of your adversary the devil. You believed the devil's lie more than you believed God's Truth, so you quit on God and followed His enemy instead.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12). When you follow Jesus (John 10:3-4), the end of that way is ALWAYS triumph, victory, and life. But you must follow Him and never quit until you cross the finish line and enter into the victory that God promised you through His Word.
Jesus ALWAYS leads to victory. Are you willing to follow Him until you get there? If you do, you'll enjoy the victory. If you don't, then you'll join that large group of God's children who tried the Word (way), but gave up and said, "the Word didn't work for me", but in reality the problem was they didn't work the Word by following Jesus all the way to the finish line.
It's time to quit bad mouthing faith and those that live by faith, be still, shut your mouth, and know that if you will follow Jesus all the way to the finish line , you will see and experience the victory.
Jesus ALWAYS leads to victory!!! Will you follow Him long enough to get there? If you don't, don't bad mouth God and His Word, and don't bad mouth the guy who is still in the race following Jesus by faith until he reaps the victory. If you have quit following Jesus because you became weary and gave up, then I encourage you today to repent before God, reenter the race and follow Jesus all the way to the finish line and enjoy the victory that awaits you there. God has promised it, so you can know that it's there!
Be Blessed!!!