How do you overcome a physical infirmity? By exalting a higher level of Truth over what that infirmity is proclaiming. Example: Your body says "I'm sick" and God says (through His Word to you 1Pet 2:24) "You were healed". Who are you going to believe? Your body or God? Your body is proclaiming something to you from the natural/physical realm. You don't deny what your body is saying to you for it is speaking a physical truth to you, but God on the other hand is speaking a supernatural Truth to you. It's super, because it's greater than that natural truth and God's Truth will overcome natural truth. When we walk and live by faith, we never deny the sickness, we deny it's right to be on us, so we resist it with the Word of Truth (God's Word) and overcome it with the Healing that God promised us with..............
WOW! Terry, what planet did you come from? That's to far out for me. Well, you asked me where I came from so here is my answer, I was born again by/through the Word of God, the incorruptible seed of God, I was delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God, and Heaven is now my home. I'm in the world, but not of the world. I live my life according to the Law of the Kingdom of God, and that Law is the Law of Faith (Rom 3:27, 8:7). I live according to God's will on earth as it is in Heaven (my home). I call myself what God calls me, He calls me healed, even when my body calls me sick. I choose to believe my Father, and what my Father calls me will ALWAYS prevail IF I BELIEVE HIM. This is not far out at all my brother and sister, it just may be farther out than you can believe right now, but you can change all that by looking into God's Word, for it will take you to places you've never been before.
It's always been my hope from the first message I wrote on this blog site, that I could tell you about a Jesus you have never heard about and do not know. You've been to Church all your life, but you don't know this Jesus. I pray you meet Him soon. My whole life now is dedicated to introducing and revealing the Jesus you do not know. This Jesus is a life changer, do you know this Jesus? It's a matter of Life and Death? Let me introduce Him to you................
To walk by faith is a supernatural way to live. You choose to live in a realm that you can not see, but believe is there. You choose to walk (live) by faith and not by sight. You choose to live by what you believe over what you see. God calls you Blessed when you live this way (John 20:29).
You can not do away with the Physical Realm and the natural truth of this realm. But you can overcome it and live in the Supernatural Realm if you choose to live by (spiritual) faith in God's Word instead of living by (natural) faith in what you see.
Faith in God is a lifestyle. Not something you just do now and then when you are in need. Faith is a lifestyle, not a one time event. The just shall live by faith.To live your life according to the Word of God is to live in the Supernatural Realm, a realm that is above the natural realm. Your lifestyle there will look different to those who are living in the natural realm. You will look peculiar (the word used in the KJ version for 1Pet 2:9) to them, just like God said you would, but you don't look peculiar to God, you look just like Him and people will say about you what they said about Jesus when He walked this earth as a Man, "what manner of man is this, that even the wind and the the sea obey Him" (Mark 4:41, Matt 8:27 KJ version of course).
So what can this be? It's a man who chooses to live by faith, in a Jesus that most Christians don't know, and not by sight, and those that live this way will be ridiculed by those that don't, but what they say about us won't override what God says about us and He says, "You are blessed!!" (John 20:29)
Choose you this day how you will live your life, as for me, I choose to live by faith, therefore I am Blessed!
(and yes, I'm peculiar)
How about you?