I sent the following message to a group of people that I have the privilege to care for, shepherd, and to teach God's Word and I felt led of the Spirit to post it here on this Blog site for those who might see it here. There is a basic truth here that God wants you to see and understand how things work in the spirit realm..................
I wanted to share with you what took place this morning as I was sitting on my back porch which I do often during the summer warmth and was spending some fellowship time with the Lord. In my backyard I have a Bird feeder positioned fairly close to the porch. I enjoy watching the different kinds of birds that God sends my way. Well, I enjoy them all except for Grackels (big black birds) and Starlings. They are aggressive and take over the feeder and chase everyone else away.
>For some reason this summer, the Grackles have been a big problem. So I have spent the last couple of months shewing (I don't think that's a real word but sounds like shoe-ing) or keeping the black birds away from the feeder. So this morning I'm sitting there jumping up and shewing black birds away so the other birds can enjoy the feeder. After doing this many times throughout the morning, as I sat down, I heard the Lord speak to me (from the inside, not an audible voice from the outside, but I knew it was His voice) and He said, "What are you doing?". Out of my mouth came a phrase that I wasn't expecting to say which was, "I'm protecting the seed". Then God said to me, "that is what I do for you my son", then He opened my spiritual eyes so I could see myself planting the seed of His word in my heart and birds were coming to steal that seed, but God's angels would not permit it as they shewed the birds away and that seed took root and began to grow.
> What was growing was "faith", my ability to believe God.
>It thrilled my heart even though it was such a simple thing between me and God. Then God said, "Look at Mark 4 and read the parable of the sower sows the word". I did just that, and chapter 4 of Mark came alive to me this morning. This is the kind of fellowship God wants to have with each and everyone of you. I am not somebody special that God has singled out to bless this way. He desires to do this with all His children. Then the question is, "Why doesn't He?" Because not all His Children value His Word and His presence, they would rather be with someone else doing some other thing. God looks for the man/woman who seeks Him with all his heart, the one who likes to walk and talk with God. If you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then His blood has washed you clean and you have been given the right of access into this kind of fellowship with God. I encourage you to seek Him today this way. He won't disappoint you.
>God loves you more than you know. How much do you really value His Word? How can you tell, you ask? If you value it, you'll be doing it. It's as simple as that. If you find yourself doing something else rather than what the word says, then be honest with yourself and know that you don't put much value on the Word of God and the Word that you do hear, satan will come immediately and steal it from you before it can take root and bring God's life into yours (your ability to believe Him)...........
I pray this word you've heard today will bless you and cause increase in your walk with God.
Be Blessed!!