The mountain that stands before me may look big, but it is a small thing in God's sight. Therefore I need to look at the mountain through God's eyes ( spiritual eyes) rather than my eyes. How do you do that? You look at everything through the filter of God's word. Jesus said in John 6:63 "My words are spirit and they are (real) life. Look at something, then put the word of God over it and look at it again. You will see it now through God's eyes and that is the way God's children should live their lives. You will see it through God's perspective instead of yours and things look a whole lot different that way.
The more I look at God's word, the more I will renew my mind, and before long I will be thinking just like God thinks. If I think like God, then I'll see what He sees and things always look better from His vantage point.
If you see things the way God sees things then you'll do what Jesus said to do which is, "I assuredly say to you, whoever says to this mountain (now don't forget, you are looking at this mountain through God's eyes), Be removed and cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes those things he says will come to pass, HE WILL HAVE WHATEVER HE SAYS (because he will be saying what God says he has--the right to speak to the mountain in Jesus' Name)...Mark 11:23
2 Sam 7:19 says it all and puts the finishing touch on this word from God. It says to you and me,
"And yet this was a small thing in your sight, O Lord God.........."
What is the biggest mountain you are facing today? Now say, "this is a small thing in Your sight,
O' Lord", then blow the mountain away by speaking to it in Jesus' name. It has no choice but to move. (Oh yea, I forgot to tell you this one thing. You have to believe that it will move before it will. That's just the way faith works, but the good news is, IT WORKS!!)
You'll never look at a mountain the same way again. Be Blessed!!!!!!!!!
Terry as you have read, allow God you show you those Mountains are only Molehills in His eyes. Many times we as humans won't look at our difficulities as God sees them. We need to trust Him in everything.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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