Friday, November 6, 2009

Rightly Discerning Those Stripes On Jesus' Back

Before you read this post, I would suggest you grab your Bible and read 1 Cor 11: 23-31 to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying about taking Communion and examining yourself before you take the Elements, for verse 27 says " therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord". Now I will share the revelation that the Holy Spirit shared with me concerning this subject........

As important as the Blood of Jesus is because it paid the price for our sin, I want to share with you about Jesus' body that was broken for you. To rightly discern Jesus' body is to recognize and see that those stripes that were laid on His body paid the price for my (and your) healing. (Isa 53:4-5 & 1 Pet 2:24). Rightly discerning those stripes leads to the understanding that healing for man's physical body is a finished work, there is nothing else that Jesus has to do for you or me to be healed. He's already paid the price for the healing of your body just like He has already paid the price for your sin. All I must do to be healed now is to receive my healing by faith in those stripes.

Next, I must judge my body according to what I have discerned from Jesus' body. When I look at my body and I see sickness there, then I am responsible to make a judgment concerning it's (the sickness's) right to be there. Therefore as I judge, I determine that if Jesus has already paid the price for my body to be healed, then this sickness is trespassing on my body and I judge that it has no right to be there, therefore I exercise the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2) by resisting the sickness and commanding it to leave my body in Jesus Name. I am responsible to make this judgment then carry out the action necessary to fulfill the judgment. I pass sentence on that sickness by commanding it to leave my body and I enforce the sentence by holding firm in my faith as I look at those stripes on Jesus back and continue to look at the Word of God which declares to me from Genesis to Revelation that my God has provided healing for my body. As I look at these things, I know I have judged my body correctly by believing that my body should be healed and not sick. Sickness has no right to be on my body, therefore I judge that accordingly and command it to get off my body.

I now proclaim the truth of this judgment by praising God and declaring with my mouth, "that by His stripes I was healed, therefore I am", then I hold on to this verdict by faith until I see the sentence carried out. I must enforce this judgment and sentence until I see the finished work of healing that has already been done in Jesus' body and now is being done in my body.

If I'll do this, then I'll not be judged by God as one who has not enforced His judgment upon His enemy satan, but if I don't do this then I leave myself open to sickness, disease, and pain that will surely come and remain if the proper judgment is not made against it. God will judge me as one who has heard His Word, but chooses not to do it. Therefore because of my choice, the ruling that comes from God in His judgment of me is guilty of not enforcing His Word, and the result of that judgment is that sickness and disease will remain in my body as a trespasser because I refuse to run it out. If I do it God's way then I'll get God's results which is, I'll not be weak, sickly, or die prematurely (1 Cor 11:30).

Here in lies the truth of Communion. God wants us to take Communion often, so that we will rightly discern the body and blood of Jesus so that we can walk free from sin, sickness, disease, and pain. The next time you take Communion, judge yourself according to what God has revealed to us today, then walk free from whatever the enemy is holding against you. God has made the way for you to be free, the choice is all yours.

So let me close with this summary and try to smooth this out: Jesus' body was broken by the stripes that were laid upon Him so that your body could be whole. When you take communion, you rightly discern and judge those stripes on Jesus' body as full payment for your body to be whole (strong, healthy, nothing missing, nothing broken, fully complete). Next you examine your body to ensure that it is whole. If not (if sickness, disease, pain is present), you judge that sickness as a trespasser. You take authority over it and command it to leave, for it has no right to be there. Now you take the bread, which is the broken body of Christ for you, and you thank God for your healing, then you take and eat believing in your heart that you are healed because of those stripes. Then don't you let go of that thought, and hold fast to your faith until the manifestation of that healing comes to pass. Having done all to stand, just stand!! God is faithful and He will watch over His Word to perform it!!

Be Blessed and Be Whole

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