He is quick to tell me how he feels, but more importantly, what does he believe? Have you ever noticed how quick people are willing to share with you how they feel, especially when they don't feel good. How often have you ever had someone share with you what they believe? What about you? What moves you? Are you moved by how you feel or by what you believe?...............
If my body tells me I'm sick, is that the only voice available to tell me how to feel? What about God's voice? What about the voice of Jesus? For He (the Word) says, "for we walk by faith and not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7). What does that mean? It means we can judge or determine how we think we feel according to God's standard instead of ours. We say, "we are sick", because that is what our body is telling us. But the Spirit of God is saying, "by His stripes you were healed" (1 Pet 2:24). Now I have a choice to make. Am I going to believe and agree with my body and what it is saying to me, or am I going to believe and agree with God in what He is saying about my situation?
The voice that you hear your body speaking is real and it is not to be ignored. As a matter of fact, you can't ignore it, because you are feeling what it is saying to you. Your body is telling you the truth from the natural perspective or from the physical/natural realm. But there is a higher Truth that comes from a higher realm, God's realm of the Spirit. The Spirit realm is actually more real than the natural realm. The only problem, you can't see it with your natural eyes. But it's there and it's real. It's where God lives and everything you see and feel with your five natural senses was first created in the Spiritual realm, and everything in this natural realm is subject to or governed by the Spirit realm. So though your body may be telling you that you are sick, God's higher authority is telling you that you are healed, and if you will believe God and what He is saying over what your body is saying to you, then you'll have what God says instead of what your body says because the Spirit realm rules and dominates the natural realm. You see this spiritual law in effect in the the very beginning in Gen 1:1-3. God said light be, and light was. The Spirit realm created the natural realm and therefore the natural realm is subject to the Spiritual realm. Unless you understand this Spiritual Truth, you will always be moved by what you see and feel and you will always be easy prey for the devil and his schemes against you. Your understanding of how the Spiritual realm dominates the natural realm is what enables you to live by faith.
Now if this sounds fanatical to you, then just understand this. You have not traveled to far down the pathway of God's realm of the Spirit, since first entering in when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You might of taken some baby steps, but you are still there in God's nursery and have not renewed your mind to God's way of thinking. I'm talking about growing up in faith in God. I'm talking about getting to the place where I believe God and what He says over what I think and say about it.
Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying to you. When your body speaks and says it's sick, it is. I'm not telling you to deny it or pretend you didn't hear it. What I'm telling you is that if you are going to believe God over what your body is saying to you, then you are going to have to deny the right of that sickness to remain in or on your body, resist it by taking hold or possessing what God has declared belongs to you and what is that you say? Healing! Jesus paid the price for your healing by those stripes on His back. But for you to enjoy your inheritance of healing, you are going to have to believe what God has said to you, over what your body is saying to you. You are going to have to walk by faith and not by sight. But God has already said "His children (that's you and me) shall live by faith" (Heb 10:38), and He expects us to live that way. From God's perspective it is not fanatical for you to believe something He said, over what you can see and feel. No, it's expected of you by God to live that way. And if He expects us to live that way, then He will enable us to live that way and that's exactly what Jesus has done for you, for He is the Author and Finisher (Developer) of your faith (Heb 12:2). Jesus is the One who enables you to believe if you will sit at His feet and listen to His Words. If you'll spend time with Him, you'll have no problem believing Him. But most of God's children try to believe what God is saying, but never take the time to sit at Jesus' feet and be taught by the Master. For you see, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God out of the mouth of Jesus (Rom 10:17).
So if believing what God says over what your body says still sounds fanatical to you, then you must know that you have not sincerely been sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to Him. Oh, you might of been listening to someone else who hasn't been sitting at the feet of Jesus either and what he says makes more sense to you because he is saying, " healing has passed away, healing was just for Jesus to prove that He was the Son of God, healing passed away after the last Apostle died, or you just never know what God's gonna do (however 1 Cor 2:9-14 says just the opposite), or maybe this one, God is trying to teach you something by making you sick", Yikes! I don't even like writing that garbage for that has nothing to do with God and His ways.
God's way is the way of faith. Believing Him over what you see, feel, or think about it. Are you willing to live this way? Are you willing to do it God's way? If you are, there is a whole new way of living for you. Yes it will look peculiar in the eyes of those around you, but it will look just right and very normal in God's eyes and if you'll do it God's way then you'll have what God says, "By His stripes you were healed" (1 Pet 2:24).
The scripture from my devotional yesterday was "Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Cor 10:5 NIV. So simple, yet we make life so difficult when we live (or think) in the flesh.
Thank you for another great post that truly blesses me!
How do you sit at the feet of Jesus and Listen to His voice in order to obtain faith when He left this earth 2000 years ago
I would like to respond to the Anonymous question and I'm glad you asked because you are seeking. I would like you to read John 16:5-15, especially verse 13. Then read
1 Corinthians 2:9-16. And the last one is John 20:24-29. Yes, Jesus left this earth 2000 years ago in His glorified body, but He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell among us and live within us. And the great news is, Jesus is coming back again. Are you ready, I hope so. Go and read Romans 10:9-10 and do what it says, and you'll be saved and you will be glad when Jesus returns. You'll see me on the way up and I'll be looking for you..........be blessed, Terry
Are those the scriptures I should be meditating on? I want to believe, but I need to believe something kind of specific.I need to believe that it is personal, I need to believe He did it for me,I need to believe He loves me, not "the world", not "whosoever", but me personally. The bible has been like a form letter to me. Their not my words, I can't make them personal He has to. What scriptures can I go to and meditate on to recieve this?
To Anonymous: Yes, by all means meditate those scriptures I gave you.You must know how God communicates with you. It can't get anymore personal than having Jesus Himself coming and living inside of you.Read this additional scripture, John 14:19-24. Now for your other questions, God desires all men to be saved (1 Tim 2:3-4, but each man is saved individually, just him and his Savior. It doesn't get anymore personal than that.
The word "whosoever" in John 3:16 and Romans 10:13 is the doorway for all men to be saved, but you must walk through that door as an individual. When you walk through the door of "whosoever", the name on that door changes from whosoever to your name. After you have entered the door of whosoever,the word you heard before that was speaking to all men,is now speaking to you directly. I have written this statement in the cover of my Bible,
"This is God Speaking to me". Once you receive the word of God by faith this way,then every time you look into the word of God (the Bible) then that will be God speaking to you.
You have said it exactly right yourself, you said "I need to believe he did it for me" and that is exactly what you must believe. You must believe that Jesus went to the cross for you personally and you must receive His sacrifice for yourself, you must believe He did it for you, because He has. The enemy of your soul, the devil, is doing his best to blind you from this truth. Cast down his thoughts and believe what God is saying to you and be saved and live your life with eternal life in it, and believe me, it will be real personal to you....be blessed, Terry
Hi Terry, I am still "chewing" on your previous entry,(01/26). I want to make sure I'm clear on one point.
Are you saying that if I continue to run the words of these scriptures through my mind and maybe try my best to understand and except them, that I will supernaturally be enabled to really believe and love God?
Anonymous---I'm glad to hear that you are chewing on the Word. Jesus said, if you seek, and keep on seeking, then you will find what you are looking for (Matt 7:7). The answer to your question is yes. If you will keep those scriptures before you and keep your mind on them, God will open the truth of that word so that you can understand it and the more you understand, the more you can believe. Here is another scripture to look at. It will tell you why to keep those scriptures before your eyes and in your mouth. Read Joshua 1:8 and be blessed, Terry
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