Friday, December 9, 2011

Jesus Always Leads To Victory--ALWAYS!!

2 Cor 2:14 says, "Now thanks be unto God Who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ.

Then why didn't I see the victory when I was believing Him and following Him?

Because you didn't follow Jesus far enough. You quit following Him because you didn't see the answer to your prayer or your confession of faith, so you grew weary by looking at the problem instead of looking at the Promise (Jesus--the Word), and you quit following Jesus and you chose another way.

Jesus ALWAYS leads to triumph and victory. ALWAYS!! If you follow Him all the way, you will see the victory. If you don't see it, then know that you didn't follow Him far enough and quit. Quitters never win and Winners never quit (even the world uses this statement of truth).

The Word of God says you always triumph, you always see the victory. The only reason this would not happen for you is because you quit the race before the finish line. You gave into the contrary evidence that came against you and that evidence became bigger to you then the One you were following, so you stopped following Jesus, and started to follow the natural evidence that was coming against you because you bought into the lie of your adversary the devil. You believed the devil's lie more than you believed God's Truth, so you quit on God and followed His enemy instead.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12). When you follow Jesus (John 10:3-4), the end of that way is ALWAYS triumph, victory, and life. But you must follow Him and never quit until you cross the finish line and enter into the victory that God promised you through His Word.

Jesus ALWAYS leads to victory. Are you willing to follow Him until you get there? If you do, you'll enjoy the victory. If you don't, then you'll join that large group of God's children who tried the Word (way), but gave up and said, "the Word didn't work for me", but in reality the problem was they didn't work the Word by following Jesus all the way to the finish line.

It's time to quit bad mouthing faith and those that live by faith, be still, shut your mouth, and know that if you will follow Jesus all the way to the finish line , you will see and experience the victory.

Jesus ALWAYS leads to victory!!! Will you follow Him long enough to get there? If you don't, don't bad mouth God and His Word, and don't bad mouth the guy who is still in the race following Jesus by faith until he reaps the victory. If you have quit following Jesus because you became weary and gave up, then I encourage you today to repent before God, reenter the race and follow Jesus all the way to the finish line and enjoy the victory that awaits you there. God has promised it, so you can know that it's there!

Be Blessed!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Doing Good For A Reason

James 4:17 says, "to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin."

The gospel is the Good News or a good message. The Gospel is the Word of God. To know the Word, but not do it, is sin. If you know that the Word says, "by His stripes you were healed"
(1 Pet 2:24), but your body declares it's sick, then to do good is to confess the Word of God instead of agreeing with your body. This is called living by faith ( the world and the carnal church call it something else, but I only call it what God calls it--TRUTH). Faith pleases God (Heb 11:6), and God watches over His Word to perform it (Jer 1:12).

Rom 2:10 says, "you have to work what is good". It takes effort to walk by faith. It takes no effort to walk by your natural senses. Most people go by the way of least resistance which leads to death (Prov 14:12). Faith leads to life but you have to work it (Phil 2:12).

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith......Gal 6:9-10

Be Blessed!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Is Faith Foolishness? You Bet It Is!

Prov 4:24 says, "put away from you a deceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you.

Deceit means misleading, deception, not honest.
Perverse means turned from the truth, contrary to the evidence.

When you speak words according to how you feel or by what you see, you will be speaking words of deceit and perversity when they are held up against the evidence of God's Word. When you speak words according to the Word of God, and disregard your physical senses, you are speaking the Truth according to God, but to those around you, you sound as if you are being deceitful and perverse in what you are saying.

What you use as your evidence in what you believe is what makes your words either true or deceitful before God and man. When I declare God's truth in a situation before me, it will be the truth before God, but it may look deceitful to a man that does not no God's way. The Bible calls this man a carnal man. His mind has not been renewed to the ways of God so he thinks like a natural worldly man instead of a born-again spirit man. Natural (carnal) man measures truth by his physical senses, so what he thinks about it is elevated to the place of truth. The born-again man measures truth by what God has said in His Word, for His Word is Truth (John 17:17).

Whatever you choose to use as your evidence of what is true will determine whether the words out of your mouth are perverse and deceitful or true. If God's Word is your standard of truth, then what God says is true over what you see, feel, or think about it. When you say what God says over contrary evidence in the physical realm that stands before you, you are exalting the evidence of God's Word above the physical evidence that is seen. To the man of faith who believes God's Word, when he speaks God's Word over contrary circumstances and situations before him, he is speaking the truth before God and is agreeing with God, but that same word of truth before God looks deceitful before a man that does not know the ways of God.

To the natural/carnal man, the words of faith sound and look to him like a lie, because what is said does not agree with what he sees and this man exalts his evidence above the man of faith's evidence, and he calls the man who lives by faith a liar and being deceitful.

In reality both men are right according to the evidence they use to determine the truth. They are both deceitful in each others sight. Here in lies the conflict between the natural/carnal man and the man who is led by God's Spirit, the spiritual man. In the realm they choose to live in, both are right. But there is a way that seems right to a (carnal)man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12). But to the (born-again) spiritual man the Word of God leads him to life. A man's choice leads to life or death (Deut 30:19). When the born-again spiritual man chooses God's Word over his physical senses, it's the way of life for him.

So how do you know if your words are deceitful or perverse? Only one way. Who does your words agree with? What God says about it, or what the natural circumstances are saying to you. Depending on where you live your life, spiritual or natural realm, this will dictate to you whether the words you hear out of your mouth are deceitful and perverse or true. The carnal man thinks the spiritual man is lying, but the spiritual man is doing nothing more than agreeing with his God rather than agreeing with his physical senses. This looks foolish to the carnal man because he depends on his natural senses to determine the truth.

Now I said a lot to say this, that to live by faith in what God says over what your physical senses are telling you is the way God designed His man to live, but sin entered the first man when he chose what he saw over what God said about it, and man exalted himself and his physical senses over God's Word, and that conflict will be played out until the return of the Lord Jesus.

God sets before man, life and death, blessing and cursing (Deut 30:19). God says, "choose life" (just for those who don't know the right answer). You make that choice by choosing His way to live your life and His way is, "the just (the born-again man) SHALL live by FAITH" (Heb 10:38), therefore if you choose life, then you are choosing the life of faith, and using God's Word as your evidence in every situation you face in life, and saying words out of your mouth that agree with what God says about it. They will be true words in the hearing of God, and deceitful words in the hearing of carnal man, but that word you speak will be life unto you and health and medicine to all your flesh (Prov 4:22).

Let God be true and every man a liar (Rom 3:4), for when a man says words that don't agree with what God has said, then God calls this man a liar and the end of that man's words are death. Now he might look good before other carnal men, but he looks like a fool to God.

Be in agreement with God and His Word today. You may look like a fool before carnal men, but you will look right and perfect (complete) before God and you will live long on the earth (Ps 91:16) and forever with God throughout eternity.

Now that sounds like a choice every man should make. Make the choice to live by faith and please the God (Heb 11:6) who created you and desires to walk and live with you forever.

The just shall live by faith. Are you up to it? After what you have just heard in this writing, how could you not? God calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Rom 4:17). If you are going to live by faith, you are going to have to take after your Father and further more, if you are His son, then He expects you to.

Keep the faith and be blessed.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are You A Follower of Jesus?

Jesus said in John 12:26, "If anyone serves me (you can see right here that Jesus is not to picky), let him FOLLOW Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor".

Jesus is the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14). God's primary purpose when He saved you was not to provide you with fire insurance, the avoidance of Hell after you die, but His real purpose for saving you was to make you His child, a child that would follow His eldest Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the Firstborn from the dead. (What's your number?)

You were born-again for one purpose and one purpose only, to be a follower of Jesus by being His servant. The way the Father honors His born-again child is by receiving him into Heaven (the presence of God) after he departs the earth and saying, Well done, My good and faithful servant (Mt 25:21) and the honor truly comes from how you served Jesus on the earth with the years of your life there.

As you learn the Word and increase your understanding of it, it will guide your steps. You in fact will be following the Word and doing what it says. This is the true and accurate picture of the disciple who is following Jesus. When you follow the Word you are following Jesus, and when you do the Word, you are serving Jesus.

Now, Jesus said, If anyone serves Me, let Him follow Me and where I am there my servant will be also. Are you still following the Lord since you first believed? If not, you don't believe. Believing in Jesus is not a one time event, it's a continuous event (24/7). If you believe in Jesus, you will be following Him right now by where the Word has brought you to.

Jesus is always on the move. Always looking for that next person who needs to hear the glorious Gospel and be saved. He is always looking for that next person who needs to be delivered from sin, sickness, disease, pain, poverty, debt, lack, anything that comes because of the curse that is on this earth.

Jesus is on the move, are you still following Him or have you quit and found something else to believe in and give your life to. When Jesus comes upon the next situation that He wants to actively get involved with by ministering to it, He will look up and look at His servants that are following Him, and He will assign one of His servants to go in His Name and do the work of God there.

Here is the most important question you will ever hear. When Jesus looks up and looks upon His servants that are following Him, "WILL HE FIND YOU THERE?"

The answer you give to that question has Eternal significance, for Jesus said in Matt 7:21-23,
"Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in your Name, and done many wonders in your Name? And then I (Jesus) will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.

Forget the once saved, always saved doctrine. It's a man made doctrine, made by men, so that they can run off and do whatever they want to do without following Jesus but still have their fire insurance card in their pocket that they plan on showing Jesus when they depart from this earth.. This is the devil's doctrine and many men (& women) have left the narrow path of Jesus to follow it. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12).

Why does God want you to hear this today? He doesn't want to scare you, He wants to save you.
Repent, and get back to where you once were and follow Him. When Jesus looks up at His servants, let Him find you there. When He sees you there, then you can surely know that your honor and reward is waiting for you in Heaven. Now I know what you are thinking and the answer is, YES, a thousand times YES. You are saved by grace and not by works, but once you are saved, we are instructed to work out our salvation. Here is where the following Jesus comes in (please read Phil 2:12).

Now I know this is going to stir up a lot of religious spirits, but they will just have to go throw a fit for all I care.

My only care and assignment from Jesus is that you hear the Word of Truth, and I pray this day that you heed it. Let Jesus find you standing there when He looks for a servant to go and be a doer of His Word.

Be Blessed in all you do. Follow Him, and you're blessed!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Do You Fear God or Are You Afraid of God

Why do I choose to live by faith? Because of my fear of God (Prov 1:7). Because I know God from being with Him in intimate fellowship and I respect Him and His Ways , because I am in awe of Him, and I am fearful to live my life any other way than God's way and God's way is the way of "Faith" which is believing Him over all other ways.

The genuine life of faith comes from a healthy respect of God and His Word (Jesus--John 1:1). The power behind the life of faith is the fear of God. That does not mean that I am afraid of God, but rather afraid to leave God's path for any other way, because I honor and love God with all my heart and I am thoroughly convinced that's God's Way for living is the right way.

Without the fear of God as your motivation to live by faith, your faith will have no power behind it, but it will only be mechanical as you religiously try to live according to the Word of God, but without the fear of God, you will be tempted to live your life another way, separate from God's way.

It's the fear of God that promotes the healthy lifestyle of living by faith. It's impossible to please God without faith (Heb 11:6), so why would you choose to live any other way? Because instead of being in awe of God and holding God in high regard by respecting His ways, you rather are afraid of God and His ways (the Bible--the Word of God declares His Ways) because you don't know Him (you may know of Him or about Him, but you don't know Him) and if you don't know Him from being with Him (fellowship with Him), then you will always choose the familiar way, which will be the way of the World, and instead of being led by the fear of the One True God, you will rather be led by the fear of the god of this world, whose name is satan (I refuse to capitalize his name).There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is "Death" (Prov 14:12) because satan's ways always leads to death never to life

You will only have a healthy fear of God by knowing Him through experiencing Him in fellowship with Him and you'll never get to know Him if you don't know His Son Jesus, for no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). How well do you know Jesus? That determines how well you will know the Father. You can't know Him (the Father) without being with Him (the Son) but once you know Him (the Son), you will fear Him (the Father) just like Jesus did when He was the Son of Man on this earth carrying out the assignment of His Father, and this my brother and sister is a good thing for you will be led to live your life God's way and that way is "by Faith" (2 Cor 5:7)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (on how to live by faith), but fools (I hope that's not you) despise wisdom and instruction-- Prov 1:7

Be Blessed, for blessed is the man/woman who trusts in Him. (Ps 34:8)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fear or Faith--It's Your Choice

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear........For God has not given us a spirit of fear.......(Rom 8:15 & 2 Tim 1:7)

The reason you are in fear is because you are being led by your flesh (the physical/sense realm) rather than by your spirit (spirit realm/God's realm).

When the flesh dominates, you will be moved by fear instead of faith. When your flesh is dominating (over your spirit) you will be moved by your physical senses. What you think will be determined by what you feel, see, hear, smell, taste, (your physical senses) and will dictate to you a message and if that message is a bad report, you will respond in fear.

But when you are led by the Spirit (of God by your spirit) you will only be moved by what the Word of God declares (the Word is Spirit--John 6:63) instead of what your flesh is saying to you. You will exalt what God is saying in His Word over what your flesh is saying about the circumstance or the situation you find yourself in. This is being in faith instead of fear.

Fear always leads to death. Faith always leads to life. The bottom line is if you are in fear, you are responding from your flesh. If you are in faith, you are responding from your spirit. Jesus said in Mark 5:36, "Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE". Jesus is saying, "don't live your life from your flesh, but live your life from your spirit". This is a Truth for all situations in life.

If you find yourself in fear, then recognize you are being moved by your flesh. You can actually use fear to your advantage, for fear will locate you. It will tell you that you that you are in the flesh and that you need to move from your flesh to the Spirit realm. So use fear as a tool. Have fear work for you instead of against you.

When you recognize fear, your response to it is a change in direction. Get your eyes off the problem and get your eyes on God by looking at His Word of Promise (s). Move from fear to faith by moving from the flesh to the spirit realm.

You and me are the ones who choose which realm we will live in. The choice is yours and mine. Fear or Faith. Here is what God says about it, " the just (God's born-again child) SHALL live by faith" (Heb 10:38). The choice is yours, but as a child of God, Our Father has made the choice for us and if we obey Him we will be in Faith instead of fear. God always helps us with the choice that needs to be made for He said in Deut 30:19, "I (God) have set before you life (spirit) and death (flesh) blessing (spirit) and cursing (flesh) CHOOSE LIFE......." You have the right to choose, but just in case you don't know what to choose, God tells you the right chose.

Refuse to allow fear to direct your path by staying in faith at all times. You can do this. It just takes a change in lifestyles. From the flesh to the spirit. Start today and never turn back to the flesh and you will be free from fear.

Be Blessed!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Don't Ever Lose Sight of God's Word (Jesus)

You can not look at or entertain any other thought than God's Word when you are fighting the good fight of faith. When you are looking at the Word of God, you are looking at Jesus (John 1:14), God Himself.

The Word will hold you up and keep you as long as you are looking at it. As soon as you look away from the Word, and look at the problem, you begin to sink (Matt 14:30). Your spirit man (the real you on the inside of your body) is in dominion of your thoughts when you are looking at the Word. When you look at something else, your physical flesh (body) takes dominion over your thoughts and a man will do what he is thinking about for he will think about what he is looking at.

To fight the good fight of faith, you must remain in the spirit realm where the Word of God reigns and rules and will dictate to the situation around you. To receive God's promises from His Word, you must look at that Word and never lose sight of it, for as soon as you do and look elsewhere, you will begin to sink or lose your foothold of faith. Faith in God's Word will keep you in any situation that this life will bring against you, but it will only keep you as long as you keep the Word in sight.

The temptation that the devil brings against you and the Word that you are looking at is to tempt you to look away from that Word to something else that is contrary to what you are seeing in the Word and believing. The devil knows that if you look away from God's Word, he can get you into his realm (physical, material realm) of authority and rule over you with fear. Instead of walking by faith, you'll be walking by fear and all your choices and decisions that you make will be influenced by that fear instead of by faith in God and His Word. You will reap what you sow into your heart (spirit). Faith will lead you to victory and life, fear will lead you to defeat and death.

Keeping your eyes only on the Word (Jesus) seems unrealistic to the the natural man, but it seems very right to the spirit man. If you are determined to live by the spirit and not the flesh, then the Holy Spirit will help you every step of the way to keep your eyes on the Word. Now you'll have to obey the voice of the Spirit as soon as He speaks to you. The Holy Spirit will always turn you towards the Word, but you must obey Him when He tells you to. This is God's way of keeping His man/woman who is in the World, but not of the World.

This way is God's way. It's a higher realm of living for man. It's called "Faith" and God said "the just SHALL live by faith" (Heb 10:38). Why did God say that? So that you and I could live our lives above the world's system, and live our lives in the Kingdom of God where Jesus is Lord and the blessings of God are open and available to the ones who calls on the Name of Jesus to be saved not only once at the beginning, but out of every situation that the issues of life in this world brings against us.

Are you willing to live your life in this World the way God desires and wills you to live? If your answer is yes, then you shall/must live by faith in God's Word, and by so doing, you will put a big smile on God's face for it is impossible to please God without faith (Heb 11:6). It's also impossible to walk by faith without keeping your eyes on the Word (Jesus).

You can do this!! Now go and live above and not beneath, and as the head and not the tail. That is the designated place God wants His Children to occupy. Will He find you there? He will if you keep you eyes on His Word (Jesus)

Be Blessed!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Are You Living Where God Lives?

The Bible, the Word of God, is the supernatural realm (the Spirit realm). You can only live there by faith. That is why so few live their lives in (according to) the Word of God. Many men/women know the Word of God, but they refuse to live in the Word of God because it doesn't make any (natural/physical) sense to them. They exalt what they see, feel, and hear over what God has said about it. They make excuses for the Word of God as they try to fit the Word of God into/around their life's experiences. They want to make sense of the Word of God, but you can't make natural/physical sense of the Word, for the Word of God is supernatural (spirit), watched over by the All Powerful, All Knowing, and Ever Present God. He is God Almighty, the All Sufficient One.

You can only live your life in the Word of God by faith. You will not receive the understanding of the Word of God until you are first living by the Word of God through faith. It is not until you trust God enough with your life and step out on His Word by faith, that you can live your life there on that Word.

Every born-again Christian has a right to live his life on this earth in the Kingdom of God separated from the World ( Jesus said we are in the World, but not of the World. John 17:14). You live there by by living in His Word. Here is how Jesus said it would work, "If you abide (live) in Me, and My Words abide (live) in you, you will ask what you desire and it SHALL be done for you." (John 15:7)

The majority of the Church (the Body of Christ, the born-again ones) stands on the outside of the Kingdom of God, looking into it through the window of the Word, but because it makes no sense to them, they refuse to enter in, because you can only enter in by faith in the God who declared His Word as Truth, even when (especially when) it doesn't look like the Truth because of the circumstances that surrounds your life.

To walk with God and live your life with Him in His Kingdom will require you to live by faith. That is why God said, " The Just (those that have been washed by the blood of Jesus and are born-again) SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." (Heb 10:38) It's a command to His people, not a suggestion or choice, because there is no other way you can live in the Kingdom of God. Faith is what enables you to live in the super natural realm (spirit realm) where all things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23)

It's time to quit looking through the window into the Kingdom of God and go to the Doorway, which is Jesus Christ Himself (John 10:1-5), and enter the Kingdom of God through faith in the Word of God Himself (John 1:1&14). Jesus is the Word of God made flesh and He is the author and developer of your faith (Heb 12:2) , therefore, He will teach you how to live by faith in the Kingdom of God.

The Word of God is the supernatural realm. To live there you will have to live by faith. Jesus will not only show you how, He will empower/enable you (Acts 1:8 & Zech 4:6) to live there IF you will trust Him with your life.

It's time to leave this World and it's ways behind and enter into the supernatural Kingdom of God and live there, high above the beggarly elements of this world. God is faithful and He is waiting for you today. He sees you looking into His Kingdom, He has the Door open for you, so take that step of faith and enter the Kingdom of God and live your life there. God says you shall never be ashamed of your decision (Romans 10:11), but rather you will enjoy Heaven on Earth (Matt 6:10 & Deut 11:21).

As the well known saying goes in the world that can actually be used in your walk of faith with God, "JUST DO IT" (Nike Ad for those who aren't familiar with this saying) fits very nicely here. Many of you are ready to move up higher with God. It's time to say good-bye to the familiar surroundings of this world and take the step of faith into His Word (the Supernatural Kingdom of God) and live there. You're ready! Just do it!!

Be Blessed!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Are You Ready To Argue?

The good fight of faith is an argument between God's Truth (His Word) and any other words spoken in opposition to that Truth. God's Word says in 1 Peter 2:24 that by His (Jesus') stripes you WERE healed. The doctor's report says you are sick. The doctor's report argues against God's report (Isa 53:1). Who will believe God's report over the doctor's report? The one that does receives his healing, the one that doesn't receives what the doctor's report says.

2 Cor 10:3-5 says that we (the Believer) are to cast down arguments (imaginations) that oppose the Word of Truth. This is how you fight the good fight of faith ( 1 Tim 6:12) by casting down arguments. Why is it called a good fight? Because the battle is not mine, but the Lord's (2 Chor 20:15). God uses me to take Him into the battle, but it is His fight. The victory has already been determined. It's a good fight because we win!

This is how you live by faith in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said that we (Believer's) are in the world but not of the world (John 17:14-18). Believers don't live like those in the world live. Believers live by faith in what God says, not by what those in the world say. When someone speaks the World's words to a Believer, the Believer casts them down by exalting the Word of God over it. The Believer wins every argument against those in the World if the Believer will hold fast to the Word of Truth.

The Believer will have to argue with those in the World, but God declared us Believers the winner every time for the Holy Spirit says in Rom 8:37, that we Believers are more than conquerors through Him (Jesus) who loved us.

Now let me say this in closing. Your argument is not with the Doctor who gives you his report. Your argument is with the devil when he tries to use the doctor's report to defeat your faith in God's Word. Jesus is the Truth and the devil is a liar, so just by knowing this, it's not really a fair fight at all. The devil is a loser and he knows it, he just hopes that you don't.

Be Blessed!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Are You Still Trying To Get Something From God?

Are you still trying to get healed? If you are then you don't believe that you are healed (1 Peter 2:24). If you are still trying to get, then you don't believe that you have. If you are striving for it you don't believe that you have it and you are still working to get it. If you believed that you had it (that you were healed) you would be resting in your faith rather than trying to obtain it (Heb 4:3).

The reason you are still striving to get healed is because you are looking at the wrong thing. When you look at the symptoms on or in your body, it will tell you that you are sick. If that is what you believe then you will continue to strive after healing. But if you will do what God says to do and that is to look at His Word (Prov 4:20-22)) and not at your body (Rom 4:19) , then that Word (Jesus is the Word made flesh) will tell you that "by His stripes you WERE healed", and if you believe that, then you'll no longer strive after healing, for you already have it.

Hebrews 11:1 says, "NOW faith is...........", faith is always right now. Whatever faith is believing, it believes it has it right now. So if you believe what God says over what your body is telling you, you will enter into the rest of God (Heb 3 & 4) and you'll no longer be going after something you already have, and when you are resting in the Promise of God, this is when the Word of God does it's greatest work, and you will then see the manifestation of what you have been believing for.

If you are resting in God, you know that you are in faith. If you are anxious and fretting, and still trying to get, you are in fear and fear does not receive anything from God but rather keeps you from it.

If you've never experienced peace in the middle of the storm (of life), you've never experienced the genuine place of faith. God has enabled His man to be at rest in the middle of the mess, if that man will do what God says rather then what the circumstances are saying.

What you listen to is a matter of life or death, peace or anxiety. God said His Word did not prosper His people because they did not mix faith with what they heard (Heb 4:2). What are you mixing with God's Word today? Faith or Fear? Jesus has one thing to say to you today, "according to YOUR faith, be it done unto you!" ( Matt 9:29)

Simply, whatever you believe in your heart and say with your mouth, that is exactly what you will have. I pray that God's Word abides in your heart and it's coming out of your mouth, for if it is, you are resting (in God) and not striving after something and this is the place God desires you to be. God says, "be still and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10). Be still and rest and let God be God in your life.

Here is my closing thought that I have taken from a man of faith that God used mightily upon this earth, his name is Smith Wigglesworth, and he said; "You will be strong if you believe this truth: faith is the victory--always!!!!!..........Glory to Jesus"

And with that I say, "Yes and Amen!!"...............Be Blessed!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dead Man Walking

Gal 2:20 declares that I am crucified with Christ. That means if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are born again and that the old you and me is dead, and the person that is now living in my body is Jesus. I want you to understand this important fact, that unless your old man (your flesh, the old you) is crucified and hanging on the cross, you will be unable to do what God has commanded His Children to do and that is, "the just SHALL live by faith" (Heb 10:38). If you are struggling with living by faith, there is one reason for it. The old man has come down off that cross and chooses to reign and rule in your life instead of allowing Jesus to. To walk in faith, the old man must be crucified. Unless you understand this, you will struggle with faith. Faith is not only believing in something, but it's doing what you believe. And you'll never be able to live by faith in God's Word unless you are dead and hanging on the cross, and Jesus is living through you. Meditate on Gal 2:20 until God teaches you this Truth.

My faith in Him (Jesus) empowers me to live by the faith of Him. You will only see this Truth revealed in the King James version of Gal 2:20. I believe the original writers interrupted this verse more accurately than all the later versions. "I live by the faith of the Son of God" rather than "live by faith in the Son of God". There is a huge difference between the two. The first one leads to action, the second one doesn't.

To believe "in Him" leads me to "act just like Him". To many of God's people stop at believing "in Him", and don't take the next step of "living like Him." Believing "in Him" will change my heart and mind. "Living like Him" will change my circumstances. Believing "in Him" (only) won't calm the wind and the seas (the storms of life), but "living like Him" (living by faith) will.

I not only live by faith "in" the Son of God, I live "by" the faith of the Son of God. The Church has always focused on the "believing in" the Son of God, but it is rare to find the one who believes "in Him" enough to "act like Him" by living his life by the faith of the Son of God.

The devil has no problem with the one who believes "in Him", it's the one who lives by the faith of the Son of God (the one who lives just like Jesus lived--by faith) that is dangerous to him (satan and his kingdom).

Believe "in Him", so that you can act "just like Him". This is God's purpose for man and the kind of man that God desires to fellowship with and spend eternity with. Go beyond believing "in Him" to acting just "like Him" and be what the Church was always intended to be--God's presence on the Earth, reigning and ruling over all of God's creation.

Are you ready for that next step? Then you must be crucified with Christ and allow Jesus to live through you. It's the most exciting way a man could ever live, "Just like Jesus".

Be Blessed!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Saint or Sinner-- Which are you?

In 1 Cor 1:2 the Apostle Paul is writing to the Church of God, to those that are sanctified (set apart or separated unto God by being born again), and called to be saints. If you are a born again child of God, then you are called to be saints (you might have to look in a King James or New King James bible to see the correct word "saint" used in verse 2. The newer translations use words like holy (NIV) or his own holy people (NLT) instead of saint, choosing rather to describe the saint instead of calling him a saint.) Men get a little tense with that word because they think the title "saint" is reserved for someone special, so they disqualify themselves and use another word to identify themselves. But God wants you to know today, that because you are His child, you are someone special and the title of "saint" fits you perfectly, so I want you to understand right now at the beginning, that you have been called to be a saint.

Now if you are already feeling uncomfortable thinking of yourself as a saint, then this message is surely for you. May I suggest you take authority over the religious spirits that are coming against you with lies to keep you from this truth. If you are hearing in your ear, "you're just an old sinner saved by grace," you are being lied to and it's time for you to kick the devil out of your life and be the man/woman God has called you to be. What you are about to learn from the Holy Spirit concerning this subject will empower your walk as a Christian and enable you to walk at a level of faith that overflows with boldness and courage because you will see yourself as God sees you, called to be a saint.

Why does the child of God (the born again one) call himself a sinner when in fact he has been redeemed from sin and been made the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21) ? Why would he still call himself a sinner, one who must sin each and every day? Because he has been taught a man made doctrine instead of the Truth of God for Jesus said in Matt 15:6, "you have made the commandment (the Word) of God of no effect by your tradition." This man who calls himself a sinner (saved by grace) is listening to the wrong voice. The enemy of his soul (and of God), the devil, calls him a sinner and this child of God agrees with him.

But God, his Heavenly Father, calls him "saint" ( Greek word for saint is hagios---hag'-ee-os which means sacred, pure, blameless, consecrated (to set apart as sacred, to dedicate to God, devote), most holy one, saint). How could God call His child a saint when He found him in the pig- pen (the World)? One reason, and one reason only, "the Blood of Jesus". If you discount or disregard the Blood of Jesus, then you'll buy into the lie of the devil and you'll call yourself what the devil is calling you, "a sinner".

When a man receives Jesus as his Savior, the Blood of Jesus does away with his sin, totally obliterates it, and this man is now free from the sin that condemned him. He is born again, a brand new creature, pure and holy before God, made righteous which gives him every right to stand before God his Father with full access to the Kingdom of God, all because of the Blood of Jesus that was shed at the whipping post and on the Cross for him. Jesus paid an enormous price for this man, and God the Father now calls this man "saint", and how dare this man disagree with God by calling himself just an old sinner saved by grace.

I've got news for you, there are no sinners in Heaven. If you agree with the devil and call yourself a sinner and truly believe that, then Heaven is not your home and you will not reside there. Why would a born again child of God call himself a sinner? Because he has lost sight of God, being distracted by this world, and sees himself back at the pig-pen God delivered him from. So the devil convinces the man that he is a sinner, but it's a lie coming from the father of lies.

This man is not a sinner, but a saint that has sinned (this is a huge difference in mind set and if you will change your mind and call yourself what God calls you, you'll walk above sin and be victorious over it). All this man must do is be a doer of the Word of God and do 1 John 1:9 which says, " if (this is the condition set forth by God for His children) if we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness". As soon as the saint that sinned does the Word, he is forgiven and put back in his rightful place before God, pure and holy, a saint.

Once the child of God learns God's way for him concerning sin, then the devil comes and says, "you're no saint, for you sin each and every day and you aren't even conscious of your sin, you dirty old thing you and you are a sinner." And because this man, the saint, does not know the word (or doesn't agree with it if he does know it), he agrees with the devil and calls himself a sinner just saved by grace.

Here's the deal. You are either a sinner or you are saved by grace (a saint). You can't be both. You can't be a Christian schizophrenic. Saints are bound for heaven. Sinners are bound for Hell.
Why does this man call himself a sinner? Because he thinks he is being humble before the Lord God. But actually, he is being ignorant and foolish before his God for the Word of God clearly states in 1 John 1:7, " IF (condition) we walk in the light as He (Jesus) is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL sin". All means all. Known sin as well as unknown sins.

Why does the born again child of God call himself a sinner? (Are you getting tired of this question? If you are then maybe you'll feel what God thinks about it. He's tired of it to!). Because he identifies himself with the wrong man. Man is a three part being. Spirit, soul, and body
( 1 Thess 5:23). The real you is your spirit man, not your flesh body. The real you is the man on the inside, not the outside. Instead of identifying yourself according to your spirit man on the inside that was born again, you rather identify yourself by the house your new spirit lives in, called your body. Your body was not born again, it's as ugly as ever and it wants to do ugly things (sin) because it's been trained that way. It's good at it and it doesn't want to change. But your new spirit filled with the life of God CAN NOT sin, but your body can if you are led by your flesh body instead of your spirit.

If you are born again, you are a saint on the inside. If you let that man (your spirit) direct your steps, then you'll look like on the outside what you are on the inside, a saint. But if you follow your flesh body, then you'll look like a sinner on the outside, but your still a saint on the inside that needs to confess the sin of allowing your body to rule over you instead of your spirit. The sin that truly needs to be confessed in this matter is that you allowed your body to rule and reign over you, under the influence of the enemy of God, the devil, therefore exalting the god of this World over the One True God, the God that owns your spirit man on the inside ( 1 Cor 3:16-17 &
1 Cor 6: 19-20). This is what needs to be confessed by the saint (the child of God) for God said in Ex 20:2, "you shall have NO other God's before Me." You confess exalting another god above Him, and restate your allegience to the One True Most Holy God, then the Blood of Jesus cleanses you from ALL sin and you are right back in the perfect place with God. (*Note: this may be the most important thing the Holy Spirit has said through me since I started this blog years ago. If you get this and believe it, it will change your Christian life forever!!)

So get this straight. If you are born again, you are not a sinner, you are a saint.A saint that might miss the mark at times, but a saint always, because of the Blood of Jesus. If you will identify yourself as a saint instead of a sinner, you will be bold and strong in the Lord, and walk on the devil's head like you are supposed to while at the same time putting a big smile on your Father's (God) face. Call yourself "saint". See how it fits. You'll grow into it if it seems a bit large for you.

God calls you saint, now, what are you going to call yourself? If you give the wrong answer, go back to the top of this message and begin again until you can say "saint". When that happens, you've stepped over into victory. Just the way God planned it all along.

Be Blessed!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Help God, I'm In A Bad Spot!!

Jesus said, "Now My soul is troubled and what shall I say? Father save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour". (John 12:27)

Jesus said He was troubled because of where He found Himself and what stood before Him. He said, should I pray to God (the Father) to get me out of this situation? No, because for this purpose I came and that purpose was to reveal God the Father, to let His light so shine before the world so that men/women would be drawn to the light of God and enter the Kingdom of God through the Son.Jesus knew His purpose and why He was here, and He knew what He had to do to cross the finish line and complete the race that was set before Him for all humanity.

The Apostle Paul was learning this truth in 2 Cor 12:7-10 when satan sent one of his messengers to buffet or resist Paul in what he was doing. This messenger became a pain in the neck (better known as Paul's thorn in the flesh) to Paul and he pleaded with God to take this bad situation away from him.

Man always does this. We always want the easy way of least resistance. We don't want any hardship so we are always trying to pray our way out of it, while all the time, that was our very assignment from God to be in a situation that we could not control with our own abilities, but our only way out was through God working through us and through doing this God's glory is revealed to those in darkness, and they are drawn to the light of God.

Paul figured this out through revelation when God said to him, "My Grace IS SUFFICIENT for you". God's Grace is always sufficient in any situation you'll face, for the Holy Spirit declares (through Paul), "For by Grace are you have been saved (healed, set free, delivered, made whole--it's the Greek word sozo and this word saved is way deeper, wider and stronger then most Christians understand it to be), For by Grace you have been saved through Faith."

Everything you need in life God has provided for you ( 2 Pet 1:3). There is nothing that you need that is not included in God's Grace and that is why God said, "My Grace is sufficient for you". All you must do to receive the promise of His Grace is by believing what God has said to you, that His Grace is sufficient or "I've already provided for your need, now believe Me for it and you will receive it." Paul learned this and rejoiced and praised God for he knew the victory was his.
God is calling you and me to this same place of understanding. God says to His children, "don't be in such a hurry to get out of that difficult place you are in. For this is the very purpose I sent you there so that you could fight the good fight of faith and let your light shine before men, so that these men would be drawn unto Me.

Brothers and Sisters, if you are following the Spirit of God (the Word) with your life, then you are at the right place at the right time no matter how ugly or difficult it may seem. For this purpose were you called there to reveal the Living God to those around you. You can stand confidently in the middle of the situation you find yourself in knowing that God's Grace is sufficient and more than enough and He will save (deliver) you out of it when your mission is complete and your light has done it's work.

Are we willing to trust God to this extent with our lives? Well, Jesus did, and He is our perfect example. And whatever He did that is our calling as well for Jesus said, "those that believe in Me, the works that I do, they shall do also." (John 14:12)

So before you quickly call to God to bail you out of a situation, make sure your mission is complete. How will you know when it is complete? God will save (deliver) you from (or out of) it, and you'll be looking back at it.

If you understand what Jesus has told us today, then you'll know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isa 54:17). When you see adversity ahead, you'll run at it like King David did against the giant (1 Sam 17:48), because you'll also know what David knew, God's Grace was sufficient for him, and it surely was and it will surely be for you as well.

Father glorify your Name through me today!! ( John 12:28) That is what Jesus said when He saw the Cross before Him and He knew God's Grace was sufficient for Him to finish His mission and thanks be to God He did for because He lives, so do we, therefore we say what Jesus said, " Father glorify your Name (through me today)".

Be Blessed (Ps 40:4)

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Doctor's Report

God spoke the following truth to me today and said, "You do not have to be afraid of a doctor's report."

For the Believer (the born-again one), the doctor's report is only that which points to a need or to the lack of a need. When the need is revealed in the doctor's report, then you know exactly where to release your faith in the Word of God for that need to be met with the healing power of God. Without the doctor's report you wouldn't know the need, and not knowing leads to an opportunity for the enemy of your soul (the devil) to harm you or kill you.

The doctor's report is your friend.It points to needs and God has said in His Word that He will meet all of our needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). God has an answer for every need of man. Jesus, the Son of the Living God, is that answer because He bore every sickness and every disease under the curse(Isa 53:4-5, Matt 8:16-17). Healing has already been provided for any physical, mental, or spiritual need that stands before you by the stripes that were laid upon Jesus' back and the finished work of the Cross.

Now you will have to believe God's report (Isa 53:1) above the doctor's report and the only way you can do that is by looking at and meditating (thinking on) God's report instead of the doctor's report (I didn't say ignore the doctor's report, I said don't dwell on it). God's report needs to be coming out of your mouth instead of the doctor's report. When people ask you how you are doing, give them God's report instead of the doctor's report by saying, "I'm walking healed in the light of God's Word for His report says, " that by His stripes I WAS healed" (1 Pet 2:24). Now your flesh will want to agree with the doctor's report, but your born again spirit will want to agree with God's report. Be led by your spirit and not your flesh.

Instead of being fearful and dreading the doctor's report, use it to your advantage. Realize that your enemy's attack against you has been exposed in your body and now you can direct your faith at it according to what Jesus said in Mark 11:22-24. He said to speak to the mountain (that problem that has been revealed in the doctor's report), NOT to speak about it, for all this does is make the mountain bigger and your God smaller, so who do you think would be behind that kind of speaking? Yes, you are right, the devil. Jesus said we are to command that mountain to remove itself from us. You have the name of that mountain in your life because the doctor's report has identified it, now all that is required of the Believer to do is to speak to it by calling it's name and commanding it to leave (here is a good place to read Phil 2:9-11).

If that mountain acts as if it's not paying any attention to you, just keep your eyes on the Word of God's Promises and keep His Word coming out of your mouth, and then one day you will look up from the Word and somewhere along your stand of faith, it left you.

The devil will try to use the doctor's report against you by producing fear. The only answer to fear is Faith. Fear will kill you, faith will bring life (God's life, everlasting life). If you will make the doctor's report your friend instead of your enemy, you will obtain the victory that Jesus has already provided you, because you will be in faith instead of fear and when you are in faith you shall live and not die and declare the mighty works of God (Ps 118:17).

God's intent for that doctor's report is to work for you and not against you. If you will use it that way, you will be victorious (1 Cor 15:57) and you will be a witness (Acts 1:8) to God's goodness and faithfulness to all those around you.

Now, whose report are you going to believe? (Isa 53:1)

* I wrote a blog post on Oct 17, 2009 entitled "What Light Do You Read By? That posting will fit very nicely with what God has put on my heart that I am sharing with you in today's post.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Just Shall Live By Faith--Have You Heard That Before?

God said in Heb 10:38 "Now the just shall live by faith". Who are the "just"? Are you? If you have received Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior, then you have been justified before God by and through the blood of His Son Jesus and therefore you have been placed in right standing with God (you have been made Righteous). You have been delivered from the power of darkness (this world's system and from the god of this World, the devil) and translated (to carry from one state to another) into the Kingdom of the Son of His love (the Kingdom of God).

Therefore the child of God, the Believer (the just one), has been commanded by God to live by faith. God said "shall", not should, so I'm not sure why the majority of the church feels as if they have an option. To not live by faith is to be in disobedience to God. Now Heb 10:38 is very clear. Then why is there so few of God's children living by faith? Why would they disregard God's command to them and live another way? If you aren't living by faith, then why aren't you? Heb 11:6 says it's impossible to please God without faith, so if you are trying to please God any other way (most likely by your works) you are not pleasing God. The only way to put a smile on God's face is by believing Him (that is faith). I didn't say by believing "in Him" for that is nothing more then mental assent (knowledge of Him), I said, "believing Him" by believing His Word or by believing what Jesus says for He is the Living Word of God made flesh. If you believe Him, you will be doing what He says. If you believe "in" Him only, then you'll be doing what everybody else thinks and says is the right thing to do.

God has said, "the just SHALL live by faith". Jesus said, "when I return, will I find faith on the earth"(Luke 18:8). Why is it so hard to find faith on the earth when 70% of the people in this country (U.S.) profess to be Christians. You know the term Christian means we are to be Christ like or just as Christ. When you look at Jesus, you see a man (the Son of Man) living by faith in God. Do you look like that? Why not? God has commanded us to live that way, then why can't I find anybody doing it?

Because faith comes from God and it is given to man, so that man can believe his God. It's the very thing God uses to enable fellowship between Himself and His children. God declares His Word, and the child of God believes it and receives from God. They have fellowship one with another. It's truly pleasing to God when His children believe Him.

Faith was designed by God to be used in the Spiritual Realm. Faith is a spiritual force that was to be used by a spiritual being (man) to interact with His God, but when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden after being deceived by the devil, his spirit died, and he lost his spiritual contact with God and the Spirit Realm, and now had to survive without God in the Natural, Physical Realm and take care of himself. (Does this sound familiar?)

The Good News is that Jesus went to the Cross and paid the price for Adam's sin, and ever since the Cross, man has been given a way back to a right relationship with God by receiving the sacrifice of Jesus as his own payment for his sin by making Jesus the Lord and Savior of his life. This man is now born again with a brand new spirit that is free from sin, the Spirit of Jesus Himself. And now the ability to believe God is now residing in his heart once again and that is why God commands the man to live by faith, because God knows the man has the ability to do it, and it is that pleasing fellowship that God desires with him.

So what's the problem? Everything has been put back in it's proper place between God and man. However that same one (the devil) that deceived Adam in the Garden, is still doing the same thing today. Unfortunately, the born again man today (the church) is more willing to believe the lies of the devil rather than the promises of God. Why?

One reason and one reason only. They choose to walk according to their flesh and not according to the Spirit. (Rom 8:1) Faith operates in the unseen realm of the Spirit, but the majority of God's children try to live by faith in the natural realm and it just won't work there. They take the Word of God and set it up next to what they see and feel and the devil comes to confirm what they see and feel, and then speaks lies about the Word of God not being true for their situation, and the child of God becomes deceived and agrees with the devil instead of agreeing with God.

Rom 8:5-6 says, "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death (separated from God's Word of truth by the devil's deception) but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (this is God's realm, the realm of the Spirit where faith from a man can hook into the life of God).

So there is your answer. I see the Church, but I don't see faith. 2 Cor 5:7 says, "For we walk by faith and not by sight", but the majority of the Church has another version of that scripture that reads, "for we walk by sight, and not by faith", because they say this is reasonable and faith is unreasonable. Here is why the Church persecutes the man among them that walks by faith. They side with the devil to do all they can to destroy this man of faith, because they want to hold fast to what they believe and are threatened by someone who would literally believe God at His Word.

The carnal man (Christian) says, "I just call it as I see it" (not as God sees it). If he is sick, he will say he is sick, and he will say that until he sees something else.

The spiritual man (Christian) says the same thing, "I just call it as I see it" (as God sees it). He is not looking at what the carnal man is looking at. He instead is looking at what the Word of God says about his situation and he believes the Word over what he sees with his natural eyes but rather declares what his spiritual eyes see by calling those things that be not as though they were (Rom 4:17). Do you know who else does that? God Himself!! And His kids should be acting just like Him?

When God looks at your house, will He find faith there? You have no excuse before God. If you are born again, He has placed the measure of faith in you (Rom 12:3). What have you done with it? God says you shall live by faith, what do you say?