Jesus is the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14). God's primary purpose when He saved you was not to provide you with fire insurance, the avoidance of Hell after you die, but His real purpose for saving you was to make you His child, a child that would follow His eldest Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the Firstborn from the dead. (What's your number?)
You were born-again for one purpose and one purpose only, to be a follower of Jesus by being His servant. The way the Father honors His born-again child is by receiving him into Heaven (the presence of God) after he departs the earth and saying, Well done, My good and faithful servant (Mt 25:21) and the honor truly comes from how you served Jesus on the earth with the years of your life there.
As you learn the Word and increase your understanding of it, it will guide your steps. You in fact will be following the Word and doing what it says. This is the true and accurate picture of the disciple who is following Jesus. When you follow the Word you are following Jesus, and when you do the Word, you are serving Jesus.
Now, Jesus said, If anyone serves Me, let Him follow Me and where I am there my servant will be also. Are you still following the Lord since you first believed? If not, you don't believe. Believing in Jesus is not a one time event, it's a continuous event (24/7). If you believe in Jesus, you will be following Him right now by where the Word has brought you to.
Jesus is always on the move. Always looking for that next person who needs to hear the glorious Gospel and be saved. He is always looking for that next person who needs to be delivered from sin, sickness, disease, pain, poverty, debt, lack, anything that comes because of the curse that is on this earth.
Jesus is on the move, are you still following Him or have you quit and found something else to believe in and give your life to. When Jesus comes upon the next situation that He wants to actively get involved with by ministering to it, He will look up and look at His servants that are following Him, and He will assign one of His servants to go in His Name and do the work of God there.
Here is the most important question you will ever hear. When Jesus looks up and looks upon His servants that are following Him, "WILL HE FIND YOU THERE?"
The answer you give to that question has Eternal significance, for Jesus said in Matt 7:21-23,
"Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in your Name, and done many wonders in your Name? And then I (Jesus) will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.
Forget the once saved, always saved doctrine. It's a man made doctrine, made by men, so that they can run off and do whatever they want to do without following Jesus but still have their fire insurance card in their pocket that they plan on showing Jesus when they depart from this earth.. This is the devil's doctrine and many men (& women) have left the narrow path of Jesus to follow it. There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12).
Why does God want you to hear this today? He doesn't want to scare you, He wants to save you.
Repent, and get back to where you once were and follow Him. When Jesus looks up at His servants, let Him find you there. When He sees you there, then you can surely know that your honor and reward is waiting for you in Heaven. Now I know what you are thinking and the answer is, YES, a thousand times YES. You are saved by grace and not by works, but once you are saved, we are instructed to work out our salvation. Here is where the following Jesus comes in (please read Phil 2:12).
Now I know this is going to stir up a lot of religious spirits, but they will just have to go throw a fit for all I care.
My only care and assignment from Jesus is that you hear the Word of Truth, and I pray this day that you heed it. Let Jesus find you standing there when He looks for a servant to go and be a doer of His Word.
Be Blessed in all you do. Follow Him, and you're blessed!!
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