When you are born again, Jesus comes into your heart and lives within you. This is only the first half of the desired fellowship God has for His man. God willingly comes into the man's heart when Jesus is asked to be his Savior.
But there is another half that is needed to make this fellowship between God and man complete. God demonstrated His will by coming into the heart of the man and living in him. Now man must demonstrate his will by making a choice to live in Jesus. The man does this by making Jesus the Lord of his life.
When Jesus is Lord over the man's life, He (God) is the One who reigns and rules the man's life. The man puts Jesus in charge of his life. Now the fellowship between God and the man is complete. God is living in man and man is living in God (John 15:4-7). This is the picture of perfection that God sees as He looks at His creation. It's the way God intended it to be.
It's the way it was with Adam and Eve before they sinned by taking the Lordship God had over them and making themselves lord over their own lives. Then they made a decision that opposed God's way and they sinned and separated themselves from God and His blessings. God was no longer living in them, and they were no longer living in God.
Then Jesus, the Son of God, came to the earth by way of the miraculous virgin birth from Mary, to redeem man and pay the full and complete price for man's sin on the cross making the way for man to be put back in right standing with God once again. Now God and man could have fellowship with each other once again.
Man must make two choices to put this perfect fellowship back in order in his life. First he must make Jesus his Savior and second he must make Jesus his Lord. This is perfect fellowship with God. Many men/women live their lives with only half of the desired fellowship operating in their lives. The man makes Jesus his Savior, but won't give Jesus control over his life, so the man remains lord over his own life.
What you have here is a split personality and broken fellowship. The man's spirit that is born-again will want to do one thing, but the man's flesh (his body) will want to do another, and because the man is Lord over his own life, he will follow his flesh and walk away from the leading of the Spirit.
The born-again man makes God his Father, but to be in perfect fellowship with his Father, he must make the Father's Son, Jesus, the Lord over his life. When the man makes Jesus the Lord of his life, the fellowship between God and the man is perfect and complete, and this is the place where man gets to live his life in the blessing of God where the storehouse of God is located for every need that the man will ever have in life (2 Pet 1:2-4).This man (the man who has received Jesus as his Savior and made Him the Lord over his life) is now totally dependent upon his God, and his God would have it no other way, for this is the way God designed it to work from the very beginning.
The Church's emphasis is always on getting a man saved, but the Church must help this man continue his journey with God and teach him about the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
If you are saved today, is Jesus your Lord as well? If He is not, you are missing out on God's best for your life. Release control of your life by making Jesus the Lord over your life and follow Him. Now you are in that place of perfect fellowship with God. It will be Heaven on earth for you, just like God intended it to be.
Make Jesus Lord (of your life) today and enter that perfect fellowship with the Father and the Son (John 14:21 & 23 make sure you read and meditate this Truth).
Be Blessed!!!!!
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