When the Word (of God) doesn't seem to be working in your situation or circumstance is when you really have to press into it and hold onto it with all your strength (by believing it) for it's at this place the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy the promise of the Word you are holding fast to.
If the devil can get you to turn loose of the Word, he knows he will overpower you and he will take what he is after, your faith, because he knows your faith is what overcomes the world (1 John 5: 4-5), and if faith overcomes the world (and it does), then that same faith will overcome the god of this world who is the devil. The devil knows that is true, he just wants to make sure you don't.
The way of faith holds fast to the Word until the storm has passed. The devil knows the Word will sustain you and get you through what he is bringing against you, but he also knows your weakness, how easily you are distracted from the Word when the storm is raging around you. The devil knows if he gets you looking at the storm long enough, that Word you are trying to hold onto just won't make any sense to you any more while you are looking at the storm, and if the devil can move you from the spirit realm to the sense realm (physical, material realm), he knows he can beat you there.
Anyone who has ever walked by faith knows what it feels like in the middle of the storm. It always looks like the Word is not working, but in reality it still is (you just can't see it with your physical eyes), and if you'll keep your eye on the Word instead of the storm you'll be able to do what Jesus did when He found Himself in the middle of the storm (Mark 4:38), He was sleeping while everyone else was looking at the storm, freaking out, believing the storm was going to kill them. When Jesus woke up and saw the storm, He didn't believe what the others were believing. Jesus believed He was going to the other side (Mark 4:35) and no weapon formed against Him could keep Him from His destination. (which was the other side. If you are sick, your destination is Healing & Wellness and nothing can keep you from that unless you consider something else, then you have a new destination).
Instead of Jesus allowing the storm to talk to Him, Jesus spoke to the storm and told it to stop (v39) and it did (the answer to why the storm obeyed is found in Heb 1:3, see if you can find it in there, it's right in the middle of the verse) and He went to the other side. Jesus showed us how to do it, and He has enabled us to do the very same thing (Mark 11:23).
Jesus has shown us the way to get to the other side (of whatever we are facing). It's sink or swim time. The Word will get you to the other side if you don't let go of it. Believe it and stay dry, let go of it and get wet.
One last thought. Jesus knew that if the boat did sink, He would of just walked to shore (the other side). The Word of God will enable you to do the same thing. When Jesus spoke to Peter (Matt 14:29) and said "come", Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water and it was the word "come" that Jesus spoke, and Peter's faith in it that held him up and defied the laws of nature (or the natural realm). Peter was doing great until he took his eye off the Word (Jesus) and looked at the storm for when he did that, he began to sink. God's Word spoken to you (when you are looking at the Bible, those Words you are looking at is God speaking to you) will keep you afloat and you can walk to the other side with Jesus, if you keep your eye on Jesus and not on the storm. Hold fast to the Word and stay dry and get to the other side. That's God's plan for you and He is faithful to watch over it.
Be Blessed!!
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