Hi All,
God had you on my heart this morning. Your Heavenly Father so wants you to live your life on this earth at the abundant level that Jesus bought and paid the price for. So many of God's children live their lives so far below what God has given to them. He wants you to live your life in your rightful place. Jesus' blood paid the price for you to have abundant life, but Jesus won't get what He paid for if you don't know what He did for you and walk in it by believing Him. The Truth God wants to share with you today is practically unknown by the Church (the body of Christ) today, but God wants to reveal it to you:
To the man or woman who has received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, you are born again. You've been born to live your life now, today, not when you get to Heaven, but now, today, in the Kingdom of God. Jesus said you are in the world, but not of the World, so quit living like dead men live their lives in the world around you. Come out from among them and be separate is God's instruction to you (2 Cor 6:17).
So how do you do this? You believe what God has said about you and He says, " I have made you alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and I have raised you up to sit together with Me in Heavenly places in My Son Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:5-6). God wants you to know that He has already raised you up from the dead (Please read Rom 6:3-11 for more understanding of this). Your spirit man, the real you on the inside, has been born again and raised from the dead. Your body of flesh has not been born again and it will die if Jesus doesn't come back first, but your body will be raised up from the dead when Jesus returns from Heaven for His Church and it will be reunited with your spirit man. WOW, just how big and amazing is our God.
Now I shared all this with you because God told me to tell you, "you've already been raised from the dead and you are already sitting together at Jesus' right hand, far above all principality, power, might, and dominion and every name that is named (Eph 1:20-21). You've been given the right (because of the Blood) and the authority (because you have been given HIs name --Eph 3:14-15) to live your life from this Heavenly position and God your Father expects you to live from here.
Unless you know and then believe that you (your spirit man) is born again and already raised from the dead, you will continue to walk this earth as a dead man agreeing with your flesh body instead of your spirit. You'll be a dead man walking even though you've been made alive in Christ. The vast majority of the Church is waiting for this resurrected life style when they get to Heaven (because they can't separate their flesh body from their spirit), but God wants you to live it now, from your spirit, today, and live as that new man raised from the dead.
Now this is the Truth of the Gospel. This is the Truth that will change the quality of your life NOW. It sounds nothing like the man made doctrines that most people hear and that's why you can't see any difference between the man in the Church and the man in the world. Unfortunately the World has influenced the Church instead of the Church influencing the World.
So are you going to walk as a man/woman raised up to new life or are you going to be a dead man walking? God says, choose His way and live life the way a child of God is supposed live...............
Be Blessed!!
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