Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Want My People Well

God spoke the following into my heart as I was spending some quite time with Him and I'm just gonna share it with you the way He shared it with me..........

My people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), not because it's not My will to heal them. I have made a way for them to be healed and to walk in health while they inhabit the earth, but they must choose My way for them and walk in it. When your child is sick, is it your will for them to be healed and well? Of course it is! (I love the simplicity of God, it's man that makes it difficult). Your desire for them to be well comes from Me, so how could I not desire the same thing for My children?

I want My children well and I've made a way for that to happen, that way is through My Son Jesus for He is the Way (John 14:6), the only way to healing and health. He paid an enormous price on the Cross to set My people free, but there are very few who find it, because they believe the lies of My enemy, satan, over over the Truth of My word. My people don't die from sickness and disease because it's My will, they die because of a lack of knowledge of  My will to heal them. Did I not have My Son pray this prayer in your midst, "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed (to consecrate, devote to sacred purposes) be Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven....". You will find no sickness or disease in Heaven for that is not My will for man, so you'll not find it here in Heaven, and it's not My will for a man to be sick on earth either, but the earth that man lives on is cursed because of sin, and sickness is a part of that curse, but My Son paid the full price for man's sin, and those men who accept that sacrifice of My Son Jesus are now forgiven and redeemed from that curse (Gal 3:13-14) so that they can now walk free from it, but you see My son, this is the knowledge that My people lack and therefore they die because they don't know I made a way of escape for them. I have made a way for man to live free from sickness and disease, but that man must believe Me and believe what I have done for him and walk in the Truth of My Word by resisting the devil and the curse he lords over.

I have set My people free, and they are free indeed, but it will cost them something to live in that freedom. They must be willing to fight the good fight of faith by resisting the devil and watching him flee from them. I want My people well. It's My will for them to be well. Now you go son and tell them, "I want My people well!!"...........

Well, that's exactly what I've done, now the rest is up to you and me. If we lack knowledge, we need to get it. God has more knowledge about His will to heal on the earth today then at any other time. We are without excuse when we stand before God and He asks you, "What did you do with My Son?" For everything the Son did for man, has been made known to man, it's called the Bible. It's up to man to find out what it says and my prayer for anyone who reads this blog post is, "I pray to the Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus, the Father of Glory, that He would give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the the knowledge of Him (Jesus), that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, that you would know what is the hope of His calling, that you would know what God inherited in you when you became His son/daughter" (Eph 1:17-18).

Be Blessed!!

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