Monday, December 24, 2012

Be Healed!

When you receive prayer for healing, you always receive the Healing. Now before I lose you as you begin to think about all your unanswered prayers and click to something else, I want you to pause for a second, take a deep breath, turn your religious mind off, and be willing to hear the voice of Truth. Who is that? Jesus, for sure. I'm just the messenger and the words that you will be reading are the words that I am hearing from my God, Lord and Savior Jesus.

So let me start again. When you receive prayer for healing, you always  receive the Healing. You'll either receive it through the instant manifestation or you'll receive it by seed. We would all like to receive the instant miracle but God has other ways to get His healing to you and if it comes by seed, it needs time to grow in your heart. You must protect that seed (how? Prov 4:20-27), you must be careful with it, for Jesus said that seed that is sown in your heart can be stolen (Mark 4:15).

If the seed that was sown in your heart is stolen then many will say, "I didn't get it (healed)". When you say this, do you really know what you are doing? You are mocking God. Gal 6:7 says, "do not be deceived God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows that he will also reap", and verse 9 says, "don't grow weary while doing good (what's that? Believing) for in due season you shall reap IF you do not lose heart".

God says, "by His stripes you were healed" (1 Pet 2:24). Are you going to believe God or mock Him by saying your not. It looks a little different from this perspective and this just happens to be God's perspective. Luke 9:11 says, "Jesus spoke to the people about the Kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing" (Jesus demonstrated God's perfect will for all men for all times).

If you have need of healing today, then Jesus will do the same for you. Just don't mock God by saying that you didn't get something from Him that He has already told you that you have (Isa 53:4-5 & Matt 8 :16-17) just because you don't see it right away and then you allow the devil to steal it (that seed of healing) from you. When you receive prayer for your healing, know that you have received it for sure. Now, just hold onto it by protecting your heart that has that precious seed in it.

Jesus says to you and me, " do not be afraid, only believe" (Mark 5:36). So what do you say? Let's you and me do what Jesus said and be healed!!

Be Blessed

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