Saturday, December 20, 2014

Do You Know Him?

I've been dwelling on this thought and I wanted to share it with you............

To know the Word is to know Him (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) personally. If you don't know the Word, then you don't know Him. For example; If you are sick, then you must know Him as your Healer (not just God). You'll only know Him as Healer by allowing Him to reveal Himself as Healer to you through His Word. Whatever issue of life you are facing, who does God need to be to you to provide the help that you are seeking (Provider, Wisdom, Guide, Counselor, Protector, Healer, Deliver, etc). To know Him is a personal relationship with Him.

In Ps 103:7 the Holy Spirit declares to us, "He (God) made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the people of Israel". Knowing the acts of God is very impersonal. It's like reading a History Book about someone who did something a long time ago. But having God show you His ways comes through a personal relationship with Him and His Word and it is out of that Word that He reveals His ways and the more He reveals, the more you know Him and that is the way you grow up in Him and that's the way you become a man (woman) after God's own heart, one that God likes to be with. (Would you like to be one of those people? You can!)

When you make the Word of God your priority over everything else, that's when you make God #1 in your life, and when you do that, He will gladly show you His ways.

Be Blessed!!

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