Saturday, April 26, 2008

Missing in Action

Sorry I've been missing in action for the past month, but sometimes, God leads you out into the desert, a quite, still place for nothing more than to be still and know that He is God. I grew tired of writing the things God was showing me, because I felt like no one was reading them and if they did, it wasn't any benefit to them. I paid to much attention to what the devil was saying to me about these writings, and did not keep my focus on what God had called me to do. So my time away from this blog site has been good for me as God once again has cleared my vision and His purpose for this site. If you don't know it yet, we have a real enemy whose purpose is nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy the believer. The devil can't destroy God (he tried, but that was the worst mistake he ever made-Isa 14:12-15 also read Ezekiel 28), but he can destroy God's children, and that is where he takes aim for his intent is to hurt God. BUT GOD, Who is faithful, will keep us and always show us the way out of from every fiery dart that the wicked one brings against us. It's called the shield of faith, and God will enable you to pick it up again and fight the good fight of faith. It's good to be away from that desert place!! Whatever God intends for you to hear, I will write it. Now it's time for me to press on, how about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back... I'm always reading!