Sunday, November 21, 2010

Are You Hearing Good News? It's Life & Death

The Word of God, the Bible, is Good News...........not Bad News. (Why do I see so many sad faces at chruch?)

Every issue of life that comes against you, God has Good News in response to it.

Everyday that you wake up, God has Good News waiting for you, but the world has bad news waiting for you. What news are you going to look at and hear and then respond to?

The doctor gives you a report that you are sick and there is no cure, and you will die because of it. Jesus gives you His report that He paid the price for that sickness by bearing that sickness in His own body for you (Matt 8:17) and that by the stripes that were laid on His back you were healed. (1 Pet 2:24) Also in Ps 118:17 God's promise to you is, "you shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord". Which report are you going to believe? The bad news or the Good News? It's your choice. Which ever report you believe will determine your outcome. If you believe the doctor more than you believe Jesus, then you will die. If you believe Jesus more than the doctor, you will live.

God is a good God Who has declared to us Good News!

Jesus said, " according to your faith, be it done unto you." (Matt 9:29) If you believe the Good News, then the Good news will come. If you believe the bad news, then the bad news will come. Life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21), because what you believe dwells in your heart (Rom 10:10) and what you believe in your heart you will say with your mouth. The words that come out of your mouth will always tell you and God what you believe.

Fill your heart full of God's report, the Good News, instead of the doctor's report, bad news, and the words that come out of your mouth will sound just like God's report and you will have what you say because Jesus said you would. (Mark 11:23). Do you believe Him? It's a matter of life and death. God's news is always Good News. Good News awaits you everyday. The choice is all yours. Now that is God's will for you. What will you do with it? Because your will and not God's, will be the determining factor for God has already declared His will to you by declaring His Word of Promise to you.

Choose the Good News and live.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. It takes faith to choose the Good News of God over the bad news. That is why God said, "the just shall live by faith" (Heb 10:38)

Romans 1:1 -- The Apostle Paul was separated to the Good News of God. We that believe in Jesus must separate ourselves to the Good News just like Paul did and live our lives according to that Good News.

Good News or bad news, the choice is yours!!!!!!!!!

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