Thursday, December 23, 2010

Unbelief--That's A Dangerous Place To Be

It's not that I can't believe God and what He says, but rather I choose to believe something else because I choose to believe what I see, feel or think over what God has said. I choose to elevate what I see over what God says. I choose to be in control.

The underlying problem of why I can't believe God's word is PRIDE. I choose to exalt what I think, see, and feel, over what God says is true. I exalt my evidence (what I see) over God's evidence (His Word). Faith (believing God) is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1) If I am believing God for healing, then the evidence of my healing is found in His Word. This is the evidence that works for me. If I look anywhere else, like my own body, or the doctor's report, this becomes evidence that works against me, for it will oppose the Word of God. God asks man a question in Isa 53:1. "Who has believed the report of the Lord?". What you choose to believe will determine your outcome.

To not believe God, is to believe something else. Unbelief is to choose to believe one thing over another. Unbelief is not non-belief. Non-belief means you don't believe anything and that is impossible (for you see, whatever you find yourself doing, that is what you believe, because you'll only do what you believe). Unbelief is to choose what you believe over what someone else believes. When Jesus marveled at their unbelief (Mark 6:6) , He was marveling at the fact the people chose to believe what they thought over what God said.

Where there is unbelief, there is no faith and where there is no faith, there is no access into the Grace of God to obtain help (salvation- deliverance, restoration, healing, being made whole) for whatever you have need of. (Rom 5:1-2).

Faith is always present. Faith has been deposited into a man to enable him to believe. God made man this way, for what a man believes, he will do. If a man believes what he thinks, feels, and sees over what God says, then he is believing himself over God. He is in belief towards himself and unbelief towards God.

Whatever a man believes, man will say out of his mouth, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth will speak (Matt 12:34), and Jesus said you will have what you say (Mark 11:23),why? Because you believe it.

If you look at your body and it says to you, "I'm sick", and you agree with it, then you will be believing that you are a sick man. But if you look at your body and it says "I'm sick" and you say, "God said Jesus bore my sickness and carried my diseases (Matt 8:17) and by His stripes I was healed (1 Pet 2:24), therefore I choose to believe God over what you (my body) are saying to me", then you are agreeing with God and believing that you are a healed man because of what God says over what your body is saying. You are in belief towards God and unbelief towards your body. Does this seem extreme or fanatical to you? The reason for that is you are choosing to live your life in the natural realm, but God lives in the Spirit realm and that is where He is asking you to live your life for He said, "the just shall live by faith" (Heb 10:38) and faith only operates in the Spirit Realm and what I just shared with you in the above scenario does not look extreme or fanatical where God lives. The natural realm is subject to the spiritual realm and the spirit realm can change things in the natural realm (Heb 1:1-4).

I choose to believe God's Word to me over what I think, see, or feel. I exalt God to the highest place in my life, and I choose to bow my knee to Him and submit to Him and I do this by submitting to His Word for God and His Word are One (John1:1). Then I resist the devil (who brought the sickness) and I command that sickness to loose it's grip on my body and then I command it to flee. (James 4:7)

The devil roams about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet 5:8). He needs your permission to devour you and you give it to him when you don't resist him and run him off. He will devour the one who believes what he thinks, feels, and sees over what God says, because the devil knows that this man has done exactly what he (the devil) did, he (the devil) tried to exalt his throne above God's by doing what he thought over what God said (Isa 14:12-15). This is called PRIDE and it originated with the devil and pride defeated him and pride will defeat you also. The devil got kicked out of Heaven, and the man who doesn't believe God gets kicked out of the promises of Heaven.

Whatever part of God's Word a man can not believe, he will not have any access to. To not believe God is to believe something else and you'll have what you believe.

If sickness wants to live in your body and you don't want it to, then you will have to resist it, and run it out by saying what God says over what your body is saying. God has equipped you to do it, but you will have to believe Him over what you think, see, or feel.

It all boils down to, who is going to be God in this situation? Are you going to exalt yourself above God's throne by exalting what you think over what God thinks (Isa 55:8-9), or are you going to trust God and allow Him to rule and reign in your life (Prov 3:5-6), by you believing what God says over what you think, see, or feel.

It's not that you can't believe God, but rather you choose to believe something else. Bottom line, this is sin, and sin separates you from the blessing of God, and exposes you to the curse and the effects of the curse (Ex: sickness, poverty, lack, depression, anxiety, addiction, etc.).

God has revealed this truth to us today so that we would know how dangerous unbelief is. He has shown us the truth behind unbelief which is our choice to worship another God over the One True God. This is serious stuff. You and I are now armed with the truth, and if we choose to believe that truth, it will set us free from the curse. (John 8:32) God says, "I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, choose life (God even gives us the right choice)" (Deut 30:19).

What choice do you make today?

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