Saturday, December 8, 2007

Love--How Important is It to God

Why is walking in love (God's love as described in 1 Cor 13:1-8 and the Amplified Bible has the best description of this love) so important to God?
If I speak with the voice of man and of angels and I don't walk in love, I'm just a noisy gong and a clanging symbol and those that hear me, will only hear me and not God. They will see me and not God. If I operate in all the power gifts of the Spirit, and have faith enough to move mountains, but I don't walk in love, I'm useless to God, for the people will only see me (and think I'm something special) and not God, for God is only seen through love. If I give all that I have and even sacrifice my life for God, but have not walked in love, I've gained nothing for the Kingdom of God, because the people will only see what I have done and they will want to exalt me and think I'm something instead of seeing the God who has made me that way. Love reveals God. That is the purpose of love, to reveal love Himself, which is Jesus, who is God. Love is what draws man to God, that is why I must walk in love so that I can reveal God to those around me. When they see love in action, they'll see God and be drawn to Him. When you walk in love, you become the fisher of men.
God is Love (1 John 4:16)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get this so well in my mind- and yet living it out is a whole different ball game!